Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. After going through our little photos, Dana and I realised that we didn't really photograph much this year. I hope you enjoy what we do have.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Some Yule Tide
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. After going through our little photos, Dana and I realised that we didn't really photograph much this year. I hope you enjoy what we do have.
Friday, December 19, 2008
To be truthful, I am feeling I need to post an update, but am unsure what to write. There are so many thoughts rambling up in my mind, and not one is striking as more important than the other. So I thought I would do a mind dump on you. Feel free to read on, or not... No pictures on this post as I cannot find my camera charger. Urgh!
The first thought... Ava seems to be growing up so fast. We went to Amazing Adventures the other day with a good friend. It's a play place, but also has Gymnastic Lessons there. Ava practically jumped the fence to join the little pre-school class. After, I talked with the instructor and she watched Ava climb over the play structure. She said that Ava would be great at Gymnastics and appears to be very ready. Since that conversation, Ava has been a little acrobat. Climbing over everything, jumping from couches, doing head stands, tight rope walking on my legs. So I think Gymnastics is in her near future. She also can count to three! She stands on my legs, and says "One, two, three... go!" and then free falls into my arms. Ava is very strong willed and at times can be challenging, but there are moments that I see her determination and strength as such great qualities. I love that her little personality is unfolding and with every new day something new emerges from her.
Kynan, on the other hand, is proving to be a little more of a deaf boy lately. Meaning he is not listening EVER! It seems like I have to ask a million times for him to do something before he even flinches. It is getting so frustrating. And he is starting to lie. I mean, I watched him rip apart the Sears Wishbook and when I asked him what happened to it he blamed Ava. If I hadn't watched him from the other room I would have believed it too. The other night we had a new babysitter watch the kids, who he told he was allowed to stay up as late as he wants and this mommy said it was ok. Before leaving the house earlier that evening, I specifically told Kynan to listen to Joelle and go to bed when told. I'm not really sure how to stop this behavior and am feeling a little lost. Kynan is usually so well behaved, but these are new phenomenons that have me bewildered.
Something that I have been thinking alot about lately, has been my deceased nephew, Calvin. Today I was driving in the car and a song came on the radio and I started to think of him and cry. Yesterday, I talked to my mom and she threw out some ideas on what she would like to do. She told me she was going to write a letter to let out some of those feelings we can't or don't talk about. It made me think that I don't really feel like I have properly mourned or let go of him. This sounds so strange because I never knew Calvin. I only ever saw him in his tiny white casket. But I can remember feeling him kicking Margaret's belly, sewing blankets for him, and decorating his nursery getting so excited to meet him and his sister. And now, I never will. The funeral is over, and I am thousands of miles away from his mom and dad and yet I still feel pain for them. Pain for him. Pain for my heart. So when do you get over a death? Or do you? Do you just learn to live with this memory? I know that Calvin is living his eternal life with Jesus, and what a beautiful life he will have in heaven. But I still miss him and think of him all the time. Little things remind me of him. And I wish he was here. My friend today said that I am at peace over where he is, but it doesn't take away from the anticipation or excitement we all had to meet him. That made sense to me....
With days to go before Christmas, Dana and I have been talking alot about the true meaning of Christmas. Especially where the kids are concerned. I am excited to see that Kynan is really into Christmas this year, knowing to write a list, that Santa is coming, getting excited over the tree and snow. However, sometimes I think that all that "stuff" overpowers the real purpose. How do we stop that from happening? On Christmas eve we are going to a friends house for a birthday party. No gifts, just cake. And a whole lot of thankfulness and love. We watched the Nativity Story with Kynan and Ava and have been reading stories. Kynan's preschool has been talking about the shepherds and wise man. But with all the Christmas hype around, do they truly understand this miracle? The birth of Christ. What a marvelous and incredible gift. I know this Christmas we will be spending alot of time reflecting on this and I hope you are able to too.
Well, that's it for now. My mind dump. Sorry if you fell asleep. I better go and be a good mom. Kynan's been asking for a snack for 10 minutes....
Merry Christmas!
The first thought... Ava seems to be growing up so fast. We went to Amazing Adventures the other day with a good friend. It's a play place, but also has Gymnastic Lessons there. Ava practically jumped the fence to join the little pre-school class. After, I talked with the instructor and she watched Ava climb over the play structure. She said that Ava would be great at Gymnastics and appears to be very ready. Since that conversation, Ava has been a little acrobat. Climbing over everything, jumping from couches, doing head stands, tight rope walking on my legs. So I think Gymnastics is in her near future. She also can count to three! She stands on my legs, and says "One, two, three... go!" and then free falls into my arms. Ava is very strong willed and at times can be challenging, but there are moments that I see her determination and strength as such great qualities. I love that her little personality is unfolding and with every new day something new emerges from her.
Kynan, on the other hand, is proving to be a little more of a deaf boy lately. Meaning he is not listening EVER! It seems like I have to ask a million times for him to do something before he even flinches. It is getting so frustrating. And he is starting to lie. I mean, I watched him rip apart the Sears Wishbook and when I asked him what happened to it he blamed Ava. If I hadn't watched him from the other room I would have believed it too. The other night we had a new babysitter watch the kids, who he told he was allowed to stay up as late as he wants and this mommy said it was ok. Before leaving the house earlier that evening, I specifically told Kynan to listen to Joelle and go to bed when told. I'm not really sure how to stop this behavior and am feeling a little lost. Kynan is usually so well behaved, but these are new phenomenons that have me bewildered.
Something that I have been thinking alot about lately, has been my deceased nephew, Calvin. Today I was driving in the car and a song came on the radio and I started to think of him and cry. Yesterday, I talked to my mom and she threw out some ideas on what she would like to do. She told me she was going to write a letter to let out some of those feelings we can't or don't talk about. It made me think that I don't really feel like I have properly mourned or let go of him. This sounds so strange because I never knew Calvin. I only ever saw him in his tiny white casket. But I can remember feeling him kicking Margaret's belly, sewing blankets for him, and decorating his nursery getting so excited to meet him and his sister. And now, I never will. The funeral is over, and I am thousands of miles away from his mom and dad and yet I still feel pain for them. Pain for him. Pain for my heart. So when do you get over a death? Or do you? Do you just learn to live with this memory? I know that Calvin is living his eternal life with Jesus, and what a beautiful life he will have in heaven. But I still miss him and think of him all the time. Little things remind me of him. And I wish he was here. My friend today said that I am at peace over where he is, but it doesn't take away from the anticipation or excitement we all had to meet him. That made sense to me....
With days to go before Christmas, Dana and I have been talking alot about the true meaning of Christmas. Especially where the kids are concerned. I am excited to see that Kynan is really into Christmas this year, knowing to write a list, that Santa is coming, getting excited over the tree and snow. However, sometimes I think that all that "stuff" overpowers the real purpose. How do we stop that from happening? On Christmas eve we are going to a friends house for a birthday party. No gifts, just cake. And a whole lot of thankfulness and love. We watched the Nativity Story with Kynan and Ava and have been reading stories. Kynan's preschool has been talking about the shepherds and wise man. But with all the Christmas hype around, do they truly understand this miracle? The birth of Christ. What a marvelous and incredible gift. I know this Christmas we will be spending alot of time reflecting on this and I hope you are able to too.
Well, that's it for now. My mind dump. Sorry if you fell asleep. I better go and be a good mom. Kynan's been asking for a snack for 10 minutes....
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
A day in the life of....
little Kynan boy. Lately he has really enjoyed stealing my camera and snapping shots from his perspective. Some of them are really good, others are hard to tell what it is, but mostly it is just interesting to see what he sees and what he finds photo worthy. Here are just a few. **The first shot is my picture of him. He asked me to take. He said that he is a puppy. Can you see it?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Thankfully Home
We are finally home after two weeks of being in Summerland. I am so thankful to be in my own environment again. And my heart almost leapt from my chest when I saw Dana for the first time. I couldn't wait to make out with him like we were teenagers... yup... I said it! The kids were equally excited to see Dana. It may have been the four airports, three airplanes, and 6 hours of traveling that did it (thank Dana for booking our tickets), but I think they were just genuinely happy to see their dad. Kynan gave a running hug and Ava refused to let go of him. It was a long day of traveling, but couldn't have ended any better.
Today Dana took a half a day off to come home early and spend time with us. I am so excited. We are going to go grocery shopping and then come home bake cookies and decorate the apartment and the tree. I already have some apple cinnimon burning in the diffuser. It's snowing outside and looks like Christmas. I am excited for December and all that it brings. I am happy to be home.
I will make one promise. I am never leaving Dana again for two weeks at a time.
Today Dana took a half a day off to come home early and spend time with us. I am so excited. We are going to go grocery shopping and then come home bake cookies and decorate the apartment and the tree. I already have some apple cinnimon burning in the diffuser. It's snowing outside and looks like Christmas. I am excited for December and all that it brings. I am happy to be home.
I will make one promise. I am never leaving Dana again for two weeks at a time.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saying Goodbye
Yestderday was Calvin's funeral. The night before, the viewing. For last two weeks, I think I was too caught up in the "What can I do", and "How can I help" mode to really focus and allow myself to feel the loss of Calvin. It really didn't hit me until I was staring at his precious face, over his casket. I walked into the chapel and my brother was sitting at the front pew, it looked like he was just spending time with his son. I gave him a hug, and was about to look at Calvin when my sister-in-law came up behind me and asked if I would be ok. She then said that if I didn't want to look at him it would be ok. I really didn't understand. I wanted to meet him, to see him. So without a second thought I looked over at his tiny little peaceful body. He looked like he was in a peaceful deep sleep. I started to cry. I was doing everything I could to stop myself from caressing his check, tickling his toes, picking him up and patting his bum. Thinking that by doing that he would miraculously wake up and show me his beautiful eyes. I am not sure how much time had passed, but in the time I was there I cried, prayed, and cried some more. When I thought I was done, and went to walk out of the chapel. I couldn't move. I was frozen. I couldn't leave my nephew alone. I kept crying, praying that God would give me strength to collect myself and walk away, but I couldn't. He needed me. If it wasn't for Margaret stepping in, I think I would still be there. I burried my head into her shoulder and wept. Repeatingly saying sorry for her loss, sorry for emotions, and as I cried- she guided me out of the chapel. All I kept thinking is how incredibly strong she is. After all, this is her son, and she is guiding me out of the chapel. I couldn't even face the rest of my family. I had to run to the bathroom and collect myself. It was the single most hardest and most beautiful greeting and goodbye I have ever had. I was meeting my nephew for the first time, and in the same breathe saying goodbye.
The next day was the funeral. It was very beautiful. The flowers, the pictures, the people. I was grateful to have gone, but honestly Ava really didn't allow me to experience the funeral. Maybe she instinctibely knew that it would be hard and was trying to distract me. It wasn't until we were up at the grave site that I really felt the emotion sweep over me again. With family helping with the kids at that moment, I was really able to pray for Calvin's journey into the afterlife. And to spend some moments with God. In those moments I felt peace. I felt God reassuring me that I would see Calvin again. That I would one day get my chance to hold him when we will be reunited. And that he would love on him and care for him until then.
It's amazing to me how much my heart breaks for this little soul I didn't even really know. My heart breaks for his heart, his body, the strain he endured. My heart breaks for his mom and dad and siblings. For my family. He touched many lives even in the short days he lived. But in the midst of all this, I do feel peace knowing that he is with Jesus. Knowing that I will see will again all too soon.
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand.
When I awake,
I am still with you.
Psalm 139:13-18 NIV
The next day was the funeral. It was very beautiful. The flowers, the pictures, the people. I was grateful to have gone, but honestly Ava really didn't allow me to experience the funeral. Maybe she instinctibely knew that it would be hard and was trying to distract me. It wasn't until we were up at the grave site that I really felt the emotion sweep over me again. With family helping with the kids at that moment, I was really able to pray for Calvin's journey into the afterlife. And to spend some moments with God. In those moments I felt peace. I felt God reassuring me that I would see Calvin again. That I would one day get my chance to hold him when we will be reunited. And that he would love on him and care for him until then.
It's amazing to me how much my heart breaks for this little soul I didn't even really know. My heart breaks for his heart, his body, the strain he endured. My heart breaks for his mom and dad and siblings. For my family. He touched many lives even in the short days he lived. But in the midst of all this, I do feel peace knowing that he is with Jesus. Knowing that I will see will again all too soon.
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand.
When I awake,
I am still with you.
Psalm 139:13-18 NIV
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The Mommy Diairies... IDENTITY
I am reading this book with my Mothers of Preschoolers group and I thought I would share the process with my ever so few readers, as most of them are mothers or are one day going to be mothers. I believe we are all mothers at heart and always take moments when we are mothering a child, a spouse, a friend, a parent, or even a stranger. So I hope you find something in what I write, even if it is only to get to know me better.
This chapter was on identity and how many mothers struggle with who they after having children. We often put everyone before ourselves. "We celebrate our children's uniqueness with abandon, relishing each new feat of genius, every step of creative independace. We encourage them to chase their dreams, seek out ways to practice their talents and strengths, and enjoy their passions. Why is ot so hard to do the same for ourselves?" **Side note: I know their are some mothers who may not feel this way, but I feel that the large majority do. Many of the moms in my group could relate to this chapter.
At the end of the chapter filled with other mom's story on how they deal with their identity issues and how they learned to celebrate the woman they are, there are a list of questions that I will share my answers to with you. Please no judgement, I am just sharing my heart with you in hopes that you may get to know me better.
Three things surprised me. Number one was the amount of love that I had for this little sweet pea. In an instant, I would lay down my life for him and again with her. I was surprised by resilience. By the amount of sleep I actually needed. By the way my body changed to accomodate this little infant. And by my strength to endure such pain, challenges, and perseptions that came during and after child birth. And thirdly, how people, including myseld, viewed me differently.
Absolutely! I feel like I disappeared most of the time, and what was left was the kids. All people saw was the kids. No one saw me. Most of the time. Rarely someone would actually have a conversation with me about something other than the kids. But mostly it was about them. Which is ok to a point. I mean, I love talking about them too. They are the best kids alive no doubt :) But I am more than just my chiildren, I am a woman too. I will add that the one person who looked at me more fully, was my husband. There was a whole new level of appreciation from him. He knew I wasn't born to have babies, but rather they were a lovely addition to all our blessings as a married couple. I still feel that when he looks at me, he sees the woman behimd the mom. I am thankful for that.
I feel like I have changed in the sense I am way less selfish. I have to be. It has become all about the children. And also my husband. Less about myself. That is ok, but I would like to learn how to find myself in there too. I am stronger since having children. More tolerant. Braver. Patient. But with myself, I have become reserved, less confident, and scared. If that makes any sense.
I feel like I am the same person under it all. I am creative, kind, compassionate, and outgoing. I love talking to others. I love learning about people, leadership, and virtually anything new. I am still that person under it all. I just don't always have the time or patience to let those qualities flow out of me.
I have to admit that this chapter hit a chord. I have been searching probably since Kynan was born, for who I am and what my purpose is in this world. Not that having kids is not a purpose, I just don't believe that it is my soul purpose. I use to say when I was kid that I was going to change the world in some deep and meaningful way. I had no idea how. I mean, I am not an astronaut or a doctor. No major discovery will be made nor will I find some cure to some incurable disease, but I always thought it would be something. Now I look back on that and laugh thinking how nieve I was. But I would like to regain that enthusiasm. That hopefulness and drive. I find that now I am often fearful of the cost of what following my dreams would have on those around me. Financial, Emotionally, and most of all what if I failed?
Well, not surprising I usually identify myself first as a wife and then as a mom. Career? Ha! What career? I would like to get to the point where the first thing I think about is the fact that I am a child of God who was created specifically for a purpose. I was given specific talents and passions to help live out that purpose. But sadly I don't feel like I am there yet. If I were to be honest.
I do believe in this statement, it just usually is not the first thing I think about. Mostly I think because I may not reach that full potential. So what is holding me back is fear. Fear is satan's way of holding us back from who we truly are and it is sometimes really hard to shake him out of my head.
Well, there it is. Bare all. Open and honest. I will leave you with an excert from the book.
"As women wired especially to live our own lives, one-of-a-kind creations tailor made for significant impact, we owe it to ourselves and our families to fiercly protect our core identities. Our legacies flow from them, and they are what touch and move our children intimately . Cultivate who you are; seek out way to grow and to stimulate your true self. No one else can fill your role; no one else is prepared so perfectly to love your family, mother your children, live your live. You got what it takes. It's time to get going."
This chapter was on identity and how many mothers struggle with who they after having children. We often put everyone before ourselves. "We celebrate our children's uniqueness with abandon, relishing each new feat of genius, every step of creative independace. We encourage them to chase their dreams, seek out ways to practice their talents and strengths, and enjoy their passions. Why is ot so hard to do the same for ourselves?" **Side note: I know their are some mothers who may not feel this way, but I feel that the large majority do. Many of the moms in my group could relate to this chapter.
At the end of the chapter filled with other mom's story on how they deal with their identity issues and how they learned to celebrate the woman they are, there are a list of questions that I will share my answers to with you. Please no judgement, I am just sharing my heart with you in hopes that you may get to know me better.
Three things surprised me. Number one was the amount of love that I had for this little sweet pea. In an instant, I would lay down my life for him and again with her. I was surprised by resilience. By the amount of sleep I actually needed. By the way my body changed to accomodate this little infant. And by my strength to endure such pain, challenges, and perseptions that came during and after child birth. And thirdly, how people, including myseld, viewed me differently.
Absolutely! I feel like I disappeared most of the time, and what was left was the kids. All people saw was the kids. No one saw me. Most of the time. Rarely someone would actually have a conversation with me about something other than the kids. But mostly it was about them. Which is ok to a point. I mean, I love talking about them too. They are the best kids alive no doubt :) But I am more than just my chiildren, I am a woman too. I will add that the one person who looked at me more fully, was my husband. There was a whole new level of appreciation from him. He knew I wasn't born to have babies, but rather they were a lovely addition to all our blessings as a married couple. I still feel that when he looks at me, he sees the woman behimd the mom. I am thankful for that.
I feel like I have changed in the sense I am way less selfish. I have to be. It has become all about the children. And also my husband. Less about myself. That is ok, but I would like to learn how to find myself in there too. I am stronger since having children. More tolerant. Braver. Patient. But with myself, I have become reserved, less confident, and scared. If that makes any sense.
I feel like I am the same person under it all. I am creative, kind, compassionate, and outgoing. I love talking to others. I love learning about people, leadership, and virtually anything new. I am still that person under it all. I just don't always have the time or patience to let those qualities flow out of me.
I have to admit that this chapter hit a chord. I have been searching probably since Kynan was born, for who I am and what my purpose is in this world. Not that having kids is not a purpose, I just don't believe that it is my soul purpose. I use to say when I was kid that I was going to change the world in some deep and meaningful way. I had no idea how. I mean, I am not an astronaut or a doctor. No major discovery will be made nor will I find some cure to some incurable disease, but I always thought it would be something. Now I look back on that and laugh thinking how nieve I was. But I would like to regain that enthusiasm. That hopefulness and drive. I find that now I am often fearful of the cost of what following my dreams would have on those around me. Financial, Emotionally, and most of all what if I failed?
Well, not surprising I usually identify myself first as a wife and then as a mom. Career? Ha! What career? I would like to get to the point where the first thing I think about is the fact that I am a child of God who was created specifically for a purpose. I was given specific talents and passions to help live out that purpose. But sadly I don't feel like I am there yet. If I were to be honest.
I do believe in this statement, it just usually is not the first thing I think about. Mostly I think because I may not reach that full potential. So what is holding me back is fear. Fear is satan's way of holding us back from who we truly are and it is sometimes really hard to shake him out of my head.
Well, there it is. Bare all. Open and honest. I will leave you with an excert from the book.
"As women wired especially to live our own lives, one-of-a-kind creations tailor made for significant impact, we owe it to ourselves and our families to fiercly protect our core identities. Our legacies flow from them, and they are what touch and move our children intimately . Cultivate who you are; seek out way to grow and to stimulate your true self. No one else can fill your role; no one else is prepared so perfectly to love your family, mother your children, live your live. You got what it takes. It's time to get going."
Monday, November 24, 2008
Please Untie the Knots
I am in Summerland right now with my family as we prepare for Calvin's funeral. This has been a bittersweet time. Obviously I wish my visit was under different circumstances, but it still is nice to see my family- especially my new neice Georgia. She is perfect in everyway.
However, this experience of coming back and grieving with my family has been very hard. I don't think my stomach has untied since arriving and my eyes are red from crying so much. I am thankful for the family and friends who has been so supportive, but there has still been some unneccessary stress since arriving. Making this experience even more difficult than it has to be.
I really just wish that this feeling in my stomach would go away and that I would feel at least calm. Maybe not happy right now, but calm.
I miss Dana so much and really wish he was here. He truly seems to be the one person who knows just what to say to bring me back down. I try and imagine his hand on my chest, hugging me, but he seems so far away. I can't wait to return home.
Please continue praying for my family, especially Shane and Margaret. As we near Calvin's funeral I am sure things will be especially hard. Nothing can describe this pain, and I am not the parent of this lost child. I cannot imagine how they must be feeling. Thank you for you prayers and support, you know who you are, and God bless.
However, this experience of coming back and grieving with my family has been very hard. I don't think my stomach has untied since arriving and my eyes are red from crying so much. I am thankful for the family and friends who has been so supportive, but there has still been some unneccessary stress since arriving. Making this experience even more difficult than it has to be.
I really just wish that this feeling in my stomach would go away and that I would feel at least calm. Maybe not happy right now, but calm.
I miss Dana so much and really wish he was here. He truly seems to be the one person who knows just what to say to bring me back down. I try and imagine his hand on my chest, hugging me, but he seems so far away. I can't wait to return home.
Please continue praying for my family, especially Shane and Margaret. As we near Calvin's funeral I am sure things will be especially hard. Nothing can describe this pain, and I am not the parent of this lost child. I cannot imagine how they must be feeling. Thank you for you prayers and support, you know who you are, and God bless.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Little Miracles...
This week I am reminded that our lives our filled with little miracles. My little nephew, Calvin, reminds me of this through his strength and endurance. He had a 12 hour surgery, survived, and has a much better prognoses than expected. He is on life support right now; however, he is on the road to recovery. Every day he fights back and lives is a little God given miracle. We are so thankful. Because we can't be with my new little nephew and niece, we are looking at our kids and trying to love on them extra this week. Celebrating the miracles they are in our lives.
Ava's new scary eyes look. Kynan use to do this a ton when he was little and it was so funny when Ava pulled this one out of her pocket.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I'm an Auntie.... Again!
A few days ago my brother's wife, Margaret, gave birth to two beautiful twins (at least I think they are beautiful- I actually haven't seen them). The girl was 7 lbs. 10 oz. and is named Georgia Lee Mayer. The boy was 6 lbs. 13 oz. and is named Calvin Zachary. I am so proud of my sister-in-law. She apparently did very well and and is in recovery. Georgia is doing well too, and trying to nurse. Calvin, is the one with the heart defect. He is doing better than expected, but still will be going into heart surgery tomorrow. They need to fix a hole and a flap. He is getting the best care he can and I am confident he will pull through. But, if all you praying types out there wouldn't mind sending a message to the big man upstairs on Calvin's behalf we would be so grateful.
Shane and Margaret, I wish I could be there to love on you and all three of your babies. Please know I am thinking about you all the time and you have been in my prayers constantly. I can't wait to see you again, whenever that will be.
Shane and Margaret, I wish I could be there to love on you and all three of your babies. Please know I am thinking about you all the time and you have been in my prayers constantly. I can't wait to see you again, whenever that will be.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
If I could get all whimsy on all of you for a second and ask, what if we could go back? Or know what was in our futures after making a choice? Or what if we could take away road blocks or setbacks in our lives? Would our lives be easier? Would be better off?
Dana and I have made many life changing decisions this year, and one MAJOR one in the last few months. While we remain ecstatic and faithful of our decision to move back to the prairies, we wonder if only we could go back and redo some other decisions. Like buying our lot. Which, with the fall of the economy, we are unable to sell and paying big time for. My inlaws are in a similar situation and I was talking to my mother-in-law about it on the phone. Our feelings. We chuckled and said if only we could go back moments before making that decision. I try to remain calm, patient, and most important to us... faithful in all of this, but the truth is I am scared. Scared the lot won't sell. Scared that if it does sell, it will still cost us a pretty penny. Scared of what that might mean for us. I know my mother-in-law expressed her own concern, mostly remorse. However, having said this, these are all very common, very justified, and human emotions. But our goal is not to stop there, but to reach beyond. Our goal as Christians is to become more like Christ, right? Well, what is Christ? Humble, check. Patient, check. Faithful, check. And so much more.... I love the example that God is the potter and we are the clay. As we go through struggle and hardship in our lives, he adds curves, shape and ultimately a unique character. It is our choice to build ourselves up and fill ourselves with neccessary tools to survive these struggles. For me, right now, I need patience (for sure!), contentness, courage and faithfilness. Without these characteristics I would surely crumble under the pressure. If we can withstand the pressure that his thumb brings then once he is finished we can become a beautiful masterpiece. I don't know about you, but I want to become that masterpiece! I just need to pray a little harder for patience and faithfulness and focus more on others than on myself.
PS: If you know of anyone interested in buying land (or a very cute house for that matter) in Summerland, let me know. I will hook you up!
Have a great weekend!
Dana and I have made many life changing decisions this year, and one MAJOR one in the last few months. While we remain ecstatic and faithful of our decision to move back to the prairies, we wonder if only we could go back and redo some other decisions. Like buying our lot. Which, with the fall of the economy, we are unable to sell and paying big time for. My inlaws are in a similar situation and I was talking to my mother-in-law about it on the phone. Our feelings. We chuckled and said if only we could go back moments before making that decision. I try to remain calm, patient, and most important to us... faithful in all of this, but the truth is I am scared. Scared the lot won't sell. Scared that if it does sell, it will still cost us a pretty penny. Scared of what that might mean for us. I know my mother-in-law expressed her own concern, mostly remorse. However, having said this, these are all very common, very justified, and human emotions. But our goal is not to stop there, but to reach beyond. Our goal as Christians is to become more like Christ, right? Well, what is Christ? Humble, check. Patient, check. Faithful, check. And so much more.... I love the example that God is the potter and we are the clay. As we go through struggle and hardship in our lives, he adds curves, shape and ultimately a unique character. It is our choice to build ourselves up and fill ourselves with neccessary tools to survive these struggles. For me, right now, I need patience (for sure!), contentness, courage and faithfilness. Without these characteristics I would surely crumble under the pressure. If we can withstand the pressure that his thumb brings then once he is finished we can become a beautiful masterpiece. I don't know about you, but I want to become that masterpiece! I just need to pray a little harder for patience and faithfulness and focus more on others than on myself.
PS: If you know of anyone interested in buying land (or a very cute house for that matter) in Summerland, let me know. I will hook you up!
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I'm sorry I took so long uploading some pictures for you. But finally we have some so let's go over the update. Above is Ava modeling her new jewelery from Baba. Thanks Baba! Ava especially loves the earrings.
Before we went in for Thanksgiving feast, the streets was clear and it was a warm fall evening. Then, at about 10pm, we walked to this! Crazy!
The next day we decided to take advantage before all the snow melted. We had fun with the kids and found out that Ava loves the snow.
Below the kids are warming up in the tub. My mom has dozen of these kind of pictures of us when we were little so I am always trying to snap some good tub pictures.
The picture above is actually taken by Kynan. He is loving playing with our little camera and there are usually over two dozen pictures of his when we upload. I love it though. Kynan really captured a moment.
One evening, Ava surprised us when we couldn't find her and finally heard her slurping away in the shoe closet. This girl REALLY loves shoes.
Happy Halloween! I want to suck your blood! Kynan went as spooky dracula. And Ava went as a warm, cuddly lion. Early that day she went as a pretty princess. She got more into the lion character with her pretty princess but both times she was simply adorable. It was a beautiful night and we had a blast.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Have you met my friend .... Ralph?!?!?!?
My mom will hate that I used this as my title being that my late Grandpa's name is Ralph, but it just seemed to fit what our family has been feeling lately.
All day yesterday I felt nauseous and achy, but we wanted to have a fun filled day with the kids. So we ventured to Walmart and let them fill up an Operation Christmas Child box. We did one boy and one girl. Dana was extra generous, which was odd to me as he usually has very tight strings to his wallet. We did a Cars theme to the boys box of course, filling it with matchbox cars, a monster truck, a colouring book, crayons, facecloth, soap, toothbrush, comb, and even shorts and Tshirt. The girls one was filled with a barbie, carebear, an outfit, hair elastics, and the same as the boys essentials. Then we went to Chillies for lunch (our new favorite resturant). Dana had a full slab of ribs, and I had a caesar salad. I think I ate half before I ran to the bathroom. Dana smiled at me and said "Thanks for toughing it out, but let's go home and get you better." So we went home and I crashed for 4 hours, getting up randomly to go.... well... ralph. Last night was the toughest though. I was up sick, then Kynan started.... I am so thankful that Ava and Dana seem to be bypassing this bug.
Today, my stomach is still doing flips and flops and I am lying comatose on the couch while Dana is out with the kids. I am so thankful for Dana. He has been so loving. Making me tea, soup, rubbing my feet, my back, drawing me baths, and the biggest favor of all... looking after the children. Kynan shows no sign of sickness today which gives me hope that soon I may be on the mend.
So until later....
All day yesterday I felt nauseous and achy, but we wanted to have a fun filled day with the kids. So we ventured to Walmart and let them fill up an Operation Christmas Child box. We did one boy and one girl. Dana was extra generous, which was odd to me as he usually has very tight strings to his wallet. We did a Cars theme to the boys box of course, filling it with matchbox cars, a monster truck, a colouring book, crayons, facecloth, soap, toothbrush, comb, and even shorts and Tshirt. The girls one was filled with a barbie, carebear, an outfit, hair elastics, and the same as the boys essentials. Then we went to Chillies for lunch (our new favorite resturant). Dana had a full slab of ribs, and I had a caesar salad. I think I ate half before I ran to the bathroom. Dana smiled at me and said "Thanks for toughing it out, but let's go home and get you better." So we went home and I crashed for 4 hours, getting up randomly to go.... well... ralph. Last night was the toughest though. I was up sick, then Kynan started.... I am so thankful that Ava and Dana seem to be bypassing this bug.
Today, my stomach is still doing flips and flops and I am lying comatose on the couch while Dana is out with the kids. I am so thankful for Dana. He has been so loving. Making me tea, soup, rubbing my feet, my back, drawing me baths, and the biggest favor of all... looking after the children. Kynan shows no sign of sickness today which gives me hope that soon I may be on the mend.
So until later....
Monday, October 20, 2008
So Busy...
Life in the prairies has been so busy lately. We have had something on the go every night for last two weeks. I am loving it, but it's also the reason you haven't seen much of me. To give you a general update and in no particular order:
- Dana got a job! And he had his first day today. He is working with a commercial electrical company and he loves it. He says the people are great and the work is interesting. It has definitely been an answer to a prayer as he has been looking for two weeks and we were starting to feel a little desperate. It's a perfect fit.
- Kynan started pre-school last week and he is loving it. He is making new buddies and is learning about the world of colours. I think his teach is colour blind though. Last week Kynan came home saying he learned about purple and that cranberries were purple?!?! LOL! I think he meant grapes.
- Ava is doing (truth be known) not so good. She is a little quick tempered girl, VERY strong willed and independent. Yesterday she ripped her jacket out of my hands and said NO! By the way that is new favorite word. One minute she is happy and smiling so sweetly, and the next her face is contorted in an all out shriek. Fun! However, even saying that, she has her moments where she melts my heart. She is starting to really jabber up a storm. Speaking often in full sentences (in a language I don't understand). She is all about the snuggles and kisses (sometimes). I think she is now realising we are here to stay and is most likely adjusting. I am praying that it will pass. At least the shrieking. I think she will always be a strong willed child.
- Dana and I went to a leadership seminar at the church this weekend, which we both loved. I have been to several leadership workshops, but never one that was biblically taught. I found it very interesting and informative.
- We also went to an International Potluck last night too, which was very yummy. Dana made his favorite butter chicken to share (not very Scottish, but ah well ;).
- I am finding that with driving Dana to work, Kynan's preschool, MOPS, grocery shopping, playdates and the million other errands my days are packed to max. Even now, I should be eating dinner but feel bad that I haven't updated this blog in forever. SO please don't be mad if you don't hear much from me. Feel free to email me.... I am much better at emailing then at blogging.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Where Did the Time Go?
Where did the time go?
And now on Tuesday, he passes one of life's major milestones. He goes to school. I am watching him right now playing with his sister, guiding her along, being so encouraging. I'm fighting back the tears. It is a happy moment in our lives, but I can't help but think of him as my little butter bean. He is a little boy now, but soon her will be a big boy, a teenager and then man. Where does the time go?
I am very excited about the preschool we chose. It is a Christian based school at the local Lutheran Church. The people seem friendly and the classrooms are fun. They pray every day, have chapel once a week, talk about God's creations like colours and animals. They have outdoor time and rhyme time. It's a perfect fit.
My little boy is growing up right before my eyes and wonderful human being he is growing into.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Gobble Gobble
Thanksgiving is a day that was created for farmers to celebrate a good harvest. They would choose their largest turkey (or whatever) and celebrate with a big meal. This year Dana and I have alot to be thankful for in the harvest of our life this year. Just to name a few:
1. A family back in the Okanagan and Lower Mainland who love us very much and have proved when push comes to shove will support us in our dreams.
2. New friends and a new home who we absolutely love and are looking forward to getting to know deeper.
3. Three successful and safe moves across the country.
4. Two very healthy and well adjusted children who, in spite of their crazy parents, seem to be settling into life.
5. A love that with every passing day gets deeper, and this year we celebrate 5 years of marriage and over a decade of being friends.
6. A growing and deepening faith that reveals more to us daily than we ever thought imaginable.
And of course the list goes on and on.
We hope this Thanksgiving is not only one of yummy food and warm company, but one that you can look back on the harvest on your own life and be thankful.
1. A family back in the Okanagan and Lower Mainland who love us very much and have proved when push comes to shove will support us in our dreams.
2. New friends and a new home who we absolutely love and are looking forward to getting to know deeper.
3. Three successful and safe moves across the country.
4. Two very healthy and well adjusted children who, in spite of their crazy parents, seem to be settling into life.
5. A love that with every passing day gets deeper, and this year we celebrate 5 years of marriage and over a decade of being friends.
6. A growing and deepening faith that reveals more to us daily than we ever thought imaginable.
And of course the list goes on and on.
We hope this Thanksgiving is not only one of yummy food and warm company, but one that you can look back on the harvest on your own life and be thankful.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Welcome to our humble obode. Kick off your shoes as I take you for a tour. It's nothing fancy, but it is a place to hang our hats. Here is our living room. Say 'hi' to Dana, he's the one on the couch. We already have pictures of our family up. We want to be able to see them every day.
Our little hideaway in our 600 square foot space. Dana got me knew bedding (so sweet) and for the first time in our marriage we actually have a grown up bed. I love it. Also, being that we were on a tight budget, but needed window treatments (don't want the neighbours peeping), here's a hint: take an inexpensive shower curtain, sew a loop, and put it up. Volia!
This kitchen is small, but very functional. Everything has a place, and everything is in it's place. Is that the saying??? Anyways, here is our little retro kitchen. Do you like the harvest gold? I do. It warms up the space ;)
Finally, our splurge. Dana and I didn't have a kitchen table when we moved. We went to sit down for dinner our first night and went "umph!". So the next day we went shopping. We were going to buy something cheap and temporary, but then we decided to go for quality and longevity. I love this table. It's square. We can all face each other. The leather chairs with the high back are oh so comfortable. There is only four (all we could afford right now), but the table actually sits eight. I love it! Don't I have a wonderful husband? PS: Those placemats are my favorite decorative touch in the whole house. My mommy made them for me last year for our anniversary. They are so unique and fun.
Well, thank you for coming over. Maybe next time I could make some Vanilla Black Tea or Chai? Too bad you couldn't stay, I just made some rice krispy squares. Next time.
Friday, October 3, 2008
We're Back....
Just a quick note to let you know that we are in Saskatchewan and doing well.
We are moved and gradually getting settled. Our apartment is alot bigger than I thought it would be and is coming together. We just bought some new bedding and for the first time in our marriage it looks like we have a "grown up" bed. We also got a new table and chairs (as we didn't have one) and we really like it. I am going to try and post some pictures so people can visualize. It's not glamurous, but it's home for now.
It is so great to be back. The leaves are changing colours and the city is bustling. I love it. It feels so good. Of course we have been busy unpacking, but we have already been out with friends for dinner and tomorrow I am going out with my friend in the morning and then it's Girls Night. I miss all these girls and it is so nice to see them.
Dana is looking for work and we are both really excited to see what he gets. I will admit I am a little scared, but confident that everything will be fine.
The kids are doing great. Kynan is so lovey, hugging and kissing me constantly. Telling me he loves me. Ava is even doing it too. I love it. He loves the apartment and seems to be settling really well. We were driving by our old house today and Kynan asked why we weren't going home. I explained that people bought our house and they live there now and we can't go in. He said "But I like my house. They should leave." It was so cute. I couldn't believe his memory. The kids are even sharing a bedroom and so far so good.
We don't get a phone until Oct 16th.
And we are online so email away.
I will hopefully be able to post some pictures soon.
We are moved and gradually getting settled. Our apartment is alot bigger than I thought it would be and is coming together. We just bought some new bedding and for the first time in our marriage it looks like we have a "grown up" bed. We also got a new table and chairs (as we didn't have one) and we really like it. I am going to try and post some pictures so people can visualize. It's not glamurous, but it's home for now.
It is so great to be back. The leaves are changing colours and the city is bustling. I love it. It feels so good. Of course we have been busy unpacking, but we have already been out with friends for dinner and tomorrow I am going out with my friend in the morning and then it's Girls Night. I miss all these girls and it is so nice to see them.
Dana is looking for work and we are both really excited to see what he gets. I will admit I am a little scared, but confident that everything will be fine.
The kids are doing great. Kynan is so lovey, hugging and kissing me constantly. Telling me he loves me. Ava is even doing it too. I love it. He loves the apartment and seems to be settling really well. We were driving by our old house today and Kynan asked why we weren't going home. I explained that people bought our house and they live there now and we can't go in. He said "But I like my house. They should leave." It was so cute. I couldn't believe his memory. The kids are even sharing a bedroom and so far so good.
We don't get a phone until Oct 16th.
And we are online so email away.
I will hopefully be able to post some pictures soon.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A Quick Update
I just got back from Victoria, where I went for work. It was hugely successful and I am so excited to see what unfolds as this process continues. I am working by contract for Community Youth Development Coalition of BC. It is an organization that identifies, encourages and supports initiatives around the province that are committed to positive youth development. My job is personal relations, administration, and overall management. It is pretty exciting and the best part is that I can do it from home.
Ava is the cutest little girl. She says 'thank you', 'please', 'monkey' (and she makes monkey noises). She is talking alot. She follows Kynan everywhere and loves it when he plays cars with her. She is gentle and sweet when she wants to be, but is still very independent. She LOVES shoes and is always trying them on no matter how big or small. She also loves the water. So much so that she thinks she can swim on her own. We can't get her out of the bath without a fight and have to hold on tight when we go to the pool.
Kynan is doing well too. I truly believe he is ready for school. His memorization is amazing. He will hear a song once and be able to sing along the next time. Mind you, he is singing the songs that Dana and I listen to which I think is neat but also makes him sound really grown up. We recently bought him dress shoes for my brothers wedding and he calls them his magic dancing shoes and then goes wild dancing.
Dana has still not found a job in SASK but is on the hunt. We have faith that everything will work out. I am not too sure what is happening with the lot, but we have only had two calls on it. Please pray for us in selling it. The market is stale so it would take a miracle to make it happen. We pray daily.
As for me I am packing, and getting ready for the move. It seems to be coming so fast and every night until we leave we are busy. It seemed we had nothing planned until about a week ago and then all of a sudden I think people clued in that we only had one more week here. Tonight we are doing some family pictures with Rob, Kaili, Phil, Sha, Carleena and Al (Dana's fam) and the dinner, tomorrow is Greys' Anatomy at Kaili's, Dana is going for dinner with his sisters on Friday, Saturday we have a lunch date with grandparents and then dinner with friends, and Sunday is loading the truck and saying goodbyes. Monday we leave bright and early.
That's the update. If you don't hear from me you know what I will be doing. The next time I write I will be a Saskaberry!
Ava is the cutest little girl. She says 'thank you', 'please', 'monkey' (and she makes monkey noises). She is talking alot. She follows Kynan everywhere and loves it when he plays cars with her. She is gentle and sweet when she wants to be, but is still very independent. She LOVES shoes and is always trying them on no matter how big or small. She also loves the water. So much so that she thinks she can swim on her own. We can't get her out of the bath without a fight and have to hold on tight when we go to the pool.
Kynan is doing well too. I truly believe he is ready for school. His memorization is amazing. He will hear a song once and be able to sing along the next time. Mind you, he is singing the songs that Dana and I listen to which I think is neat but also makes him sound really grown up. We recently bought him dress shoes for my brothers wedding and he calls them his magic dancing shoes and then goes wild dancing.
Dana has still not found a job in SASK but is on the hunt. We have faith that everything will work out. I am not too sure what is happening with the lot, but we have only had two calls on it. Please pray for us in selling it. The market is stale so it would take a miracle to make it happen. We pray daily.
As for me I am packing, and getting ready for the move. It seems to be coming so fast and every night until we leave we are busy. It seemed we had nothing planned until about a week ago and then all of a sudden I think people clued in that we only had one more week here. Tonight we are doing some family pictures with Rob, Kaili, Phil, Sha, Carleena and Al (Dana's fam) and the dinner, tomorrow is Greys' Anatomy at Kaili's, Dana is going for dinner with his sisters on Friday, Saturday we have a lunch date with grandparents and then dinner with friends, and Sunday is loading the truck and saying goodbyes. Monday we leave bright and early.
That's the update. If you don't hear from me you know what I will be doing. The next time I write I will be a Saskaberry!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Heading Home

In a little over a week, we are packing up our bags and boxes, loading the big ol' truck and driving half away across the country AGAIN. We have done this trip 4 times in the last year. After Oct 1st we will have moved 3 times in a little over a year. We have stretched ourselves, we have made mistakes, we have done something right, we have learned, and most importantly we have done it all in faith. Faith that God will lead us to where we are meant to be. Faith that he will provide for our needs. Faith that he will help make sense of it all to us and to those we love. And Faith that in the end, we will be closer to Him in all we do. Many people, once over the shock that we are moving again, ask me how I feel about it all. I talk about simple things that I am looking forward to. I usually don't go into alot of detail, usually because a child is escaping. It wasn't until yesterday when I was talking to my good friend, Chels, that she said I light up when I talk about Regina. As soon as she said that, I felt all giddy inside and realised exactly how excited I am. I guess I have been a little hesitant in sharing this giddiness because I know this move is pretty tough on our families and our friends in BC. I don't want to run salt in their wonds. But, having said that, I also want them and everyone else to know that I am super stoked. I am excited to see all my friends in Regina, to walk back into our church and sing off key, to feel the wind in my hair and sun on my face. But I am also excited to place my life and my heart in the hands of the Lord and say, "Ok, I trust you and am following your will." It is a little scary, after all Dana doesn't have a job, we haven't sold our lot in Summerland, and we are not even sure if we will be able to afford to buy a house. But we have faith that it will all turn out magnificently, and if anything, we will have grown as people.
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." -Joshua 1:9
"The one who is in you is greater than the one in this world." -1 John 4:4
"Courage is not the absense of fear, but rather moving forward inspite of it"
"Worry does not empty tomorrow of sorrows, it empties today of strength." -Corrie ten Boom
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
My Little Brother is Married!
Just a few random wedding pictures. I was too busy during the ceremony chasing after the wee ones to get any pictures so you will have to settle for the before and afters. Starting from the evening and working into early day. Above is my dad and my cousin Amanda joking around. It was so nice having my cousins here. And I think my dad is actually smiling in this picture (which is rare to catch on film).
Contemplating the path she is about to walk. Trish kept saying the day was going too fast so we tried to slow it down and have some "alone moments".
Trisha's mom putting on her necklace. Special moment. Trisha also wore a bracelet from her passed Granny. It was really sweet.
It was a crazy weekend, but oh so beautiful. It was gorgeous weather and everything went perfectly. You couldn't have asked for a better day. It all hit me that Greg was married when I came up to him to say goodbye and saw his wedding band on his finger. I got all emotional thinking that he is a married man and soon will be having babies of his own. I am so happy for them and hope they have a magical honeymoon.
A side note: Dana and I move in exactly 2 weeks. So we have alot of stuff to do between now and then. Packing, making appointments. Truth be known, I am so excited. I am missing Regina so much and all my friends there too. Now that the wedding is done, I am ready to focus on us.
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