In a little over a week, we are packing up our bags and boxes, loading the big ol' truck and driving half away across the country AGAIN. We have done this trip 4 times in the last year. After Oct 1st we will have moved 3 times in a little over a year. We have stretched ourselves, we have made mistakes, we have done something right, we have learned, and most importantly we have done it all in faith. Faith that God will lead us to where we are meant to be. Faith that he will provide for our needs. Faith that he will help make sense of it all to us and to those we love. And Faith that in the end, we will be closer to Him in all we do. Many people, once over the shock that we are moving again, ask me how I feel about it all. I talk about simple things that I am looking forward to. I usually don't go into alot of detail, usually because a child is escaping. It wasn't until yesterday when I was talking to my good friend, Chels, that she said I light up when I talk about Regina. As soon as she said that, I felt all giddy inside and realised exactly how excited I am. I guess I have been a little hesitant in sharing this giddiness because I know this move is pretty tough on our families and our friends in BC. I don't want to run salt in their wonds. But, having said that, I also want them and everyone else to know that I am super stoked. I am excited to see all my friends in Regina, to walk back into our church and sing off key, to feel the wind in my hair and sun on my face. But I am also excited to place my life and my heart in the hands of the Lord and say, "Ok, I trust you and am following your will." It is a little scary, after all Dana doesn't have a job, we haven't sold our lot in Summerland, and we are not even sure if we will be able to afford to buy a house. But we have faith that it will all turn out magnificently, and if anything, we will have grown as people.
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." -Joshua 1:9
"The one who is in you is greater than the one in this world." -1 John 4:4
"Courage is not the absense of fear, but rather moving forward inspite of it"
"Worry does not empty tomorrow of sorrows, it empties today of strength." -Corrie ten Boom
Happy to hear that you're looking forward to your journey out East. The scenery will be beautiful with the changing of the seasons.
Have a wonderful safe trek. Happy trails to you.....
Much love to you all :)
Sue's right. It's gorgeous here right now! I'm sure you remember from last year.
Safe travels. See you on the other end of it all.
Best of luck to you and yours, Susie! Stay happy, and always remember your true reasons. Let us know you have arrived safe, when you have a chance....:-).
Best of luck, and welcome back to Sask. I always wondered if you would be back, and i'm glad to see that you are!
(i was lindsaygray.blogspot but I changed)
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