Welcome to our humble obode. Kick off your shoes as I take you for a tour. It's nothing fancy, but it is a place to hang our hats. Here is our living room. Say 'hi' to Dana, he's the one on the couch. We already have pictures of our family up. We want to be able to see them every day.
Our little hideaway in our 600 square foot space. Dana got me knew bedding (so sweet) and for the first time in our marriage we actually have a grown up bed. I love it. Also, being that we were on a tight budget, but needed window treatments (don't want the neighbours peeping), here's a hint: take an inexpensive shower curtain, sew a loop, and put it up. Volia!
This kitchen is small, but very functional. Everything has a place, and everything is in it's place. Is that the saying??? Anyways, here is our little retro kitchen. Do you like the harvest gold? I do. It warms up the space ;)
Finally, our splurge. Dana and I didn't have a kitchen table when we moved. We went to sit down for dinner our first night and went "umph!". So the next day we went shopping. We were going to buy something cheap and temporary, but then we decided to go for quality and longevity. I love this table. It's square. We can all face each other. The leather chairs with the high back are oh so comfortable. There is only four (all we could afford right now), but the table actually sits eight. I love it! Don't I have a wonderful husband? PS: Those placemats are my favorite decorative touch in the whole house. My mommy made them for me last year for our anniversary. They are so unique and fun.
Well, thank you for coming over. Maybe next time I could make some Vanilla Black Tea or Chai? Too bad you couldn't stay, I just made some rice krispy squares. Next time.
Great to see your little place. Thanks for updating us!
Do you guys run then do "supermans" across your bed and go flying off? It looks SO shiny and slippy!
Ahhh it's great that you are feeling so at home. I miss Regina, but know I'll be back there again sometime ;)
thanks for the tour susie! nice to see it without all the boxes!! I love having you guys back...give me a call tonight...I have something to ask you and i don't have your phone number.
You've worked wonders in that tiny space! Everything looks great and I am envious of that table!
Glad you're getting settled in.
Hey Susan, it is great to see where you guys are staying! It looks like you have done a really good job at making it into a home so quickly! I'm excited for you... and I also love the table!
I always love your guys' kitchen tables. Loved the last one too. Makes me want a new one.
Place looks great!
Love the place, and a great big welcome back to you and your gorgeous family.I might also add that your new home is not a huge 3000 sq foot home ,but it is about 1000 sq. feet. That is much bigger than so many other peoples average homes. I only know this because Tiff and Brian live in the same building and that is the same size as there home. I also have to tell you that when Tiff and Jordan were little we lived in tiny apartments that they had to share a room. We survived and I think they were not scarred for life. At least I don't think they were? I love your new dinning room table set. Love you and God bless.
P.s about the mint bathroom.... You've seen my bathroom. I have an olive green tub, a mint green toilet, and an ugly pinkish sink. That is because these buildings that we live in are 30 or 40 years old and have never been updated. But you know what, I just try to accessorize accordingly. At least it is functional.
Gorgeous Susie! You sound so happy! Really love that you are looking on all the positives, with a smile, way to go girl!
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