Monday, August 27, 2007

I'm Going Crazy!!!

Ok, I have been inspired to post this by other OCD bloggers I know, her and her, to name a few. As most everyone knows by now, we recently moved. I usually like unpacking and organising all our things into their new home. I look forward to a clean a house where everything in its place. But Dana and I decided to dive right into renovating our new home and have been reluctant to unpack most of our boxes as stuff is easier to move around when it's all together. I look around at the boxes piled in corners and toys astrued all over.... and half started reno projects everywhere.... It drives me crazy. I wish one of my super powers was superspeed so I could just 'get'er'done'. Anyway... I guess that is just part of the gig, but I think i am developing a stress linked tick. Don't shun me when you see me walking down the street with my tick....

1 comment:

Trisha said...

LOL, that sucks, I know how you feel, except I have projects that I could have finished, but I'm too lazy or tired to do them usually, but it still drives me bonkers everytime I look at it. Hopefully you can complete projects one at a time rather than having 20 on the go at once...