Wednesday, August 29, 2007

An Artistic Afternoon

My creation....

This is what happens when both kids nap for 3 and half hours and when they wake up... they play with each other for one more hour... happy and content. It means mommy is able to get a little creative and finally do something artistic. I have been wanting to do some painting for months and this is what this afternoon produced.... it's for our bedroom. I call it 'blueballs'..... just kidding.


wandi said...

You are so artistic Susie. You not only sew beautiful things( loved the dress and apron you sewed for Abby) but you also are an artist of a different kind. Wow. Great job. I look forward to the time we can meet in person and get to know you and your family better. I will soon have you and your family over for a meal along with Jen,Jordan and kids.

Jen said...

I really like it! Good work.

Sue said...

That is very cool. Nice lines, soft, simple and airy looking, very nice. I'm sure it will look very nice and relaxing in your bedroom.

Karen Mayer said...

Absolutely beautiful, love it, love the colors.

Sarah said...

Nice painting! Care to do some "Painting 101" classes on your blog for those of us who aren't so crafty?

Lindsay said...

wow, I only wish I could make something that beautiful. YOu should start working and have a booth at the Catherdral Arts Festival that happens every summer. I would buy for sure!