I know that this is a total mimic of Jen's photo, but how better to capture the whole camping experience???

Little Miss Ava batting her blues...

Mom & Ava trying to be models...

Kynan helping with the firewood... or throwing it... whatev...

Kynan playing 'get me' at the market...

Ava showing her bling off... perfect GAP add I think.
Thanks Sha for the groovy glasses!

What is camping without jiffy pop???

Me and my lovey's... missing one... he's taking the pic...

Weiner roasting time....

Dead fish lake.... it was beautiful besides that rotting fish carcas' everywhere....

Kynan and I posing for a not so great picture....
Our camping experience was definately fun and an adventure in itself. I think it is the first time we have ever gone camping by ourselves.... Dana and I have only been camping twice before. Once at Buckhorn with his family for his birthday, Kynan was 6 months. And again when Kynan was 9 months with Don Folk. That's it for our entire time we have been together.... that's over 7 years... crazy!
Kudos for the camping thing. Poor Bud is still waiting for the day to camp. I think it will have to be with a club or something. He'll be 10 in a few days and not one camping trip. We are definately city slickers!
Looks like a great time was had by all.
Looks like you had a great time. Love to see pictures of the kids. You can sure tell that Ava and Kynan are related. You have the most beautiful kids.
That's great to hear camping was fun, I'm sure Kynan had a blast. I was also going to say how much that one picture of Ava looks like Kynan did when he was little, amazing! Love you!
Ava is changing so much! I miss you guys, seeing Kynan's goofy smile makes my eyes well up. I miss him and his sillyness!
Camping looks fun!
Keep the picture comin' Also I like the painting!
feeling little jelous... from the pictures i can guess how nice time you had spent. wish do have fun me too :)
Looks like a great trip! You are SO BRAVE for taking your two kidlets. I couldn't do it - way to go!
I have yet to try camping with 3 kidlets! It's so much work!! especially the packing!
Good for you guys...looked like fun.
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