I want to write this whole elaborate post about my love for Regina, Rosewood, and all the people who we have come to consider family, but the words are not coming. How can I express what these people mean to me in a way that you all could understand. Understand how loved I feel when I am with them, how much I learn from them, look up to them, am blessed by them. There are no words. And as we prepare to leave this incredibly surprisingly beautiful place and the people who call it home, I cry. Not because we are saying goodbye, true friendship transcends distances. But because I won't be here for those silly, sad, happy everyday moments. I want stand in Rosewood every Sunday, singing a hymn off key. I won't be getting to know these teen girls how go to Girls Night. I won't watch girly movies and eat icing with the girls on Friday night. Chat with an amazing friend while our kids laugh and chase each other. I won't be here for all that. My heart is breaking. So as exciting as it is to be returning to our family (who we truly miss too), I feel like we are leaving a whole new family behind here.
I always said that something amazing or 'big' would happen when we moved here, 'the Queen City'. I never knew what that was really until now. It was the friendships that were formed and the most important friendship being reunited, that one with God. We are so blessed to have had this opportunity to grow. To grow as individuals, as a couple, as a family, and in our faith. We leave with full and gracious hearts.