On Friday I was a feeling a little flat.... liternally.
I started driving down Ring Rd when the van started shaking. I pulled off in the nearest parking lot only to see that my rear tire had not only blown out, but was almost shredded to the rim. I am a Class A driver folks. LOL.
I called Dana from the only store that was open at the time, a Tanning Salon, to ask Dana to come rescue me. This is what the front desk girl heard from our conversation:
"Hey, Love.... Yay um... about the van... Can you come rescue me as we got a flat tire?"
"No I didn't check it this morning, I thought you filled it last night"
"Please just take your break early and come change the tire."
"No I will not change the tire. I don't even know how."
"Dana, I have both the kids with me. How do you expect me to walk to the nearest station?"
{At this point the girl was looking at me rather appalled}
"Ok see you in a bit"
Needless to say, I now know how to change a tire and feel quite confident that I will be able to do it on my own next time. Gotta love husbands!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
A Church Gathering, And 'I Want to Be Like Dad'
McBaby Has Blossomed...

McBaby, Ava Lily, has blossomed into a smiling, kicking 4 month old today. Where has the time gone? It seems to have just skipped away and as I hold her and she tries to squirm free, I feel like another one of my babies is growing up too darn fast. Her major accomplishments to date would be... Smiling, pretty much the day she was born (and no it wasn't gas). Giggling, at probably 2 months. It sounds like she is about to cry, but she is smiling. Rolling over, just about a week ago. Sleeping through the night, from midnight last night to ... she still hasn't woken up. I don't really consider that a major accomplishment as it changes from day to day, but I mention because it was really nice last night. I needed it. Some things that she has been working on. She tries to sit up. You can't lean her against your chest as she grunts and squints as she works those abs and pulls herself upright. She can balance by herself for about 5 seconds before she takes a dive (I am there to catch her of course). Grabbing, she loves to really access her toys and really analizes every inch of it. Part of that is her grabbing and gripping, which my hair will tell you is getting stronger every day. And of course her babbling, which sounds more like two cats fighting. With Kynan, his babbles were so low and deep compared to high pitch squeels. Every day I feel so blessed to have such an incredible little girl. She is so laid back and forgiving. Especially with Kynan. He could accidently 'love on her too hard', and she let out a little squeek, but then quickly smile at her big bro. She adores Dana and last night at midnight when she woke up to nurse (Dana and I were still up), she unlatched after she was done and stared and smiled at Dana who was sitting next to me. She doesn't really like to cuddle with me, but will snuggle right into Dana's big strong arms. I have to agree with her, that is one of my favorite places to be too. So Happy 4 Months Baby Girl. We love you and are totally amazed by you every day.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Weekend Update
Friday... to be honest I can't even remember what I did on Friday night.
Saturday.... Woke up and took the kids to the Regina Homeshow (pretty pathetic compared to Pentictons). We met Jen, Jordan, and Abby there and the went to Houston Pizza for lunch. The kids were great and it was nice getting caught up with the family. When we got home the kiddies went to sleep while we tried to hammer out more floors. Then I took them out when they woke up..... I can't even really remember where we went. But Dana stayed home working on the floors.
Sunday.... Took the kids for a walk and the park, then MacDonalds Playland for lunch. Again mainly so Dana could work on the floors. We came home to have lunch and then a nap. And went out again after dinner so Dana could try and finishing prepping the bedrooms. We could stay, but it's just really dusty and loud. We are so happy that the carpet is up. After seeing all the dirt and stains on the bottom of the carpet you realise why so many install laminate. Pictures are coming.... when everything is done I will do before and after shots.... trust me... you will be amazed. So to some up our weekend. Floors... floors.... and more floors.
Saturday.... Woke up and took the kids to the Regina Homeshow (pretty pathetic compared to Pentictons). We met Jen, Jordan, and Abby there and the went to Houston Pizza for lunch. The kids were great and it was nice getting caught up with the family. When we got home the kiddies went to sleep while we tried to hammer out more floors. Then I took them out when they woke up..... I can't even really remember where we went. But Dana stayed home working on the floors.
Sunday.... Took the kids for a walk and the park, then MacDonalds Playland for lunch. Again mainly so Dana could work on the floors. We came home to have lunch and then a nap. And went out again after dinner so Dana could try and finishing prepping the bedrooms. We could stay, but it's just really dusty and loud. We are so happy that the carpet is up. After seeing all the dirt and stains on the bottom of the carpet you realise why so many install laminate. Pictures are coming.... when everything is done I will do before and after shots.... trust me... you will be amazed. So to some up our weekend. Floors... floors.... and more floors.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Life's Little Moments
As I pack her into the car, he patiently waits beside me. I click her in and turn around to lift him in and he's gone. I quickly look around and he is running... no wait.. sprinting away. I drop everything and start chasing him. I finally catch up, heart pounding. So mad and relieved at the same time.
She coo's and giggles from her playmat. Occasionally looking at me and smiling as I fold laundry. Nothing major is happening. Music is playing. Kynan sleeping. Dana working. The house is still. And she reaches up and grabs her toy and tugs on it. What? She can hold things now!?!? Yup, she can grip little toys now and bring them to her mouth. CRAZY.
Snuggled on the couch watching a movie. I can feel his warm breath on the top of my head and I am absorbing all his heat from his body. We laugh at the same things. And breath in unison. At one point of the movie we look at each other and kiss and I feel butterflies fluttering away.....
In a room surrounded by strangers all talking about one common challenge/ joy, breastfeeding. I feel shy, but strangely comfortable among these women. All the babies are gurgling and blowing raspberries, while all the toddlers are laughing and screaming downstairs. Mothers talking, sharing, and building bonds.
Walking out to take out the trash, I stop and inhale. Cool crisp air. Smell of leaves and fire burning. Reminds me of fall and makes me want to bake.
Flurries???? Did the radio weather guy just say 'a chance of flurries'???? It's September!!! Go figure.
These are some moments I had the last few days.
She coo's and giggles from her playmat. Occasionally looking at me and smiling as I fold laundry. Nothing major is happening. Music is playing. Kynan sleeping. Dana working. The house is still. And she reaches up and grabs her toy and tugs on it. What? She can hold things now!?!? Yup, she can grip little toys now and bring them to her mouth. CRAZY.
Snuggled on the couch watching a movie. I can feel his warm breath on the top of my head and I am absorbing all his heat from his body. We laugh at the same things. And breath in unison. At one point of the movie we look at each other and kiss and I feel butterflies fluttering away.....
In a room surrounded by strangers all talking about one common challenge/ joy, breastfeeding. I feel shy, but strangely comfortable among these women. All the babies are gurgling and blowing raspberries, while all the toddlers are laughing and screaming downstairs. Mothers talking, sharing, and building bonds.
Walking out to take out the trash, I stop and inhale. Cool crisp air. Smell of leaves and fire burning. Reminds me of fall and makes me want to bake.
Flurries???? Did the radio weather guy just say 'a chance of flurries'???? It's September!!! Go figure.
These are some moments I had the last few days.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
She Did It!!!
With a 'umph' and a 'grunt'... she did it. Ava rolled over for the first time on Saturday. She rolled from her back to her tummy. And totally smiled when we did the happy dance around her. I am so proud of my little bambino. Already achieving major milestones in her life. Where does the time go?!?!? I love you Ava and am so so proud of you.
Monday, September 10, 2007
The Magical Kiss
Kynan has always been the one to get his boo-boo's always kissed better my mom. I was kissing another boo boo better today and it amazed me the trust that my kids put in me. They completely rely on me for life. So many things in our day count on me providing them with safety. When we are driving, when we are walking, when we are around the kitchen, in the bathroom.... anywhere and everywhere. I am always kissing Kynan's boo boos better and no one else's kisses will do. If I am near it has to be me. And when I kiss his boo boo the pain seems to magically disappear and he is bounding off to play. Today I tripped and fell in the parking lot.... carrying both my kids. Luckily Ava was in her car seat so she just went plop on the ground.... she didn't even cry. Kynan was in my arms and I fell so that he would land on top of me. He was startled and a little scared, but when he looked at me almost tearing up from the pain his first reaction was to kiss my boo boo better. He asked me where I hurt and then he kissed my knees better, gave me a hug and said 'There there mommy". And the pain just magically disappeared and I picked up the kids and bounded into the bank.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Living Away From Your 'Comfort Zone'
Someone asked me to do a post on living outside my 'comfort zone', so I thought I would share some of my feelings I have had since we have moved to the prairies.
The very first emotion I had was dread, nervousness and sadness. When Dana and I were talking about moving, I put a smile on my face and told him I would support whatever decision he made. Secretly thinking that he would come back from la-la land and we would start looking in Summerland. But that never happened and I will be honest, his excitement, enthusiasm and positivity rubbed off on me.
So then came the excitement, after we bought our house I was so excited to get here and start the new chapter in our lives. I knew I was leaving some wonderful things (family, friends, community), but I anticipated what awaited us on our new journey.
Soon after arriving, I felt lonely. All of these cool and exciting new things happening to us and no one around, really, to share them with. *Side bar: Jen and Jordan have been great in welcoming us here and have really helped me ease into this change** But none the less I still felt lonely for my family, the people who know me the best.
As we started changing our house to what we envisioned, I began to feel excitement again. I love doing projects with Dana and we really do make a good team. Team McCallum bands together to conquer... dreams.
Miller came, more excitement. The familarity and comfort of a true blue friend was sooooo incredibly nice to have here for almost a week.
Miller leaving, sadness. Sadness for many reasons. The realisation that we are not on vacation and will not be returning to the beautiful paradise we once called home. Instead we are here, in a different kind of beauty, that will become our home.
Bought laminate, again excited about making our house a home.
Threw out my neck..... extreme pain and missing my mom immensley as her and my dad would totally take care of me and the kids. Watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and eating yummy long johns.
Which brings me to now, and my overall feelings on the subject. There are extremely hard days and moments I miss my whole family I want to cry, market tuesdays with my mom, my dads delicious bbq, emo walks with Carleen, Kaili & Jaia, Beanery visits to see Uncle Rob, sharing in the joy of Sha and Phil's new home, girly lunches with Margaret and Trish, and random, but awesome visits with Shane and Greg. Not to mention all the Great Grandparents, and my Aunts and Uncles that all lived within 40 minutes of us. Even just writing about these found memories brings tears to my eyes. But those things, as precious as they are, will always be apart of me. And when we go to visit, we will cherish them even more.
Now we have a new adventure, a mystery waiting to be unfolded. I fall in love with our new city everyday. And as I sit here waiting for Abby and Jen to come over, I know the promise of new friendships is in store for us. And most importantly, we have each other. And Kynan, Ava, Dana and I have never spent as much 'quality' time together as we have the last few weeks. Lots of visits to the Y and the library. Family dinners around the table with loads of laughter and giggles from Ava. And knowing in 9 months I do not 'have' to return to work only to have someone else raise my children. I have found a new found joy in my kids and everyday they unfold a new blessing to cherish. There are hard days, but we have also had some pretty amazing days.
So in answer to living outside your 'comfort zone', as we grow and expand as individuals, so does our comfort zone. And we have to keep growing and experiencing, otherwise, what are we living for?
Love goes out to my family and many thanks to them and their support, because this move has not only been hard on Dana and I, but more so on them. We love you so much.
The very first emotion I had was dread, nervousness and sadness. When Dana and I were talking about moving, I put a smile on my face and told him I would support whatever decision he made. Secretly thinking that he would come back from la-la land and we would start looking in Summerland. But that never happened and I will be honest, his excitement, enthusiasm and positivity rubbed off on me.
So then came the excitement, after we bought our house I was so excited to get here and start the new chapter in our lives. I knew I was leaving some wonderful things (family, friends, community), but I anticipated what awaited us on our new journey.
Soon after arriving, I felt lonely. All of these cool and exciting new things happening to us and no one around, really, to share them with. *Side bar: Jen and Jordan have been great in welcoming us here and have really helped me ease into this change** But none the less I still felt lonely for my family, the people who know me the best.
As we started changing our house to what we envisioned, I began to feel excitement again. I love doing projects with Dana and we really do make a good team. Team McCallum bands together to conquer... dreams.
Miller came, more excitement. The familarity and comfort of a true blue friend was sooooo incredibly nice to have here for almost a week.
Miller leaving, sadness. Sadness for many reasons. The realisation that we are not on vacation and will not be returning to the beautiful paradise we once called home. Instead we are here, in a different kind of beauty, that will become our home.
Bought laminate, again excited about making our house a home.
Threw out my neck..... extreme pain and missing my mom immensley as her and my dad would totally take care of me and the kids. Watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and eating yummy long johns.
Which brings me to now, and my overall feelings on the subject. There are extremely hard days and moments I miss my whole family I want to cry, market tuesdays with my mom, my dads delicious bbq, emo walks with Carleen, Kaili & Jaia, Beanery visits to see Uncle Rob, sharing in the joy of Sha and Phil's new home, girly lunches with Margaret and Trish, and random, but awesome visits with Shane and Greg. Not to mention all the Great Grandparents, and my Aunts and Uncles that all lived within 40 minutes of us. Even just writing about these found memories brings tears to my eyes. But those things, as precious as they are, will always be apart of me. And when we go to visit, we will cherish them even more.
Now we have a new adventure, a mystery waiting to be unfolded. I fall in love with our new city everyday. And as I sit here waiting for Abby and Jen to come over, I know the promise of new friendships is in store for us. And most importantly, we have each other. And Kynan, Ava, Dana and I have never spent as much 'quality' time together as we have the last few weeks. Lots of visits to the Y and the library. Family dinners around the table with loads of laughter and giggles from Ava. And knowing in 9 months I do not 'have' to return to work only to have someone else raise my children. I have found a new found joy in my kids and everyday they unfold a new blessing to cherish. There are hard days, but we have also had some pretty amazing days.
So in answer to living outside your 'comfort zone', as we grow and expand as individuals, so does our comfort zone. And we have to keep growing and experiencing, otherwise, what are we living for?
Love goes out to my family and many thanks to them and their support, because this move has not only been hard on Dana and I, but more so on them. We love you so much.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Don't Say GoodBye... Just Say So Long

Welcome to the prairies, Miller. We are so happy you came to visit. It was so nice to have someone here that we knew, that got our twisted jokes, that laughed with us... got scarred with us.... got emotional with us.... well maybe just me. I cannot tell you enough how fantastic it was to have you. Thanks Chels for giving the gift of time. You are the best.

This was on our way back from our lazy day in Regina Beach. It was soooo hot out and we didn't even bring our bathing suits, but we got some great pics.

Kynan was pertrified of being on top. He just sat there trying to balance himself and then when I went to go take the picture he started to scream. What can I say, we're great parents.

Miller being modelesc. Thanks for being my muse.

This is one of like 50 shots that Dana took of me while we were playing 'I'm too sexy'. He was pretending to be a photographer and I couldn't stop laughing.

The whole Fam Damly.... Kaili, that saying is addictive.

Peaceful Ava... for like 5 minutes.

Kynan trying to suck the jam through the package. No we weren't having toast. He is just a jam addict thanks to some Grandparents I know... just kidding.

Lovin on Miller.

Being Silly.

Ok I got Dance Revolutions for the xbox and tried it out on Sunday night. I think I lost 10 ibs trying to keep up with those stupid little arrows. This is my exercise plan for the winter. Wish me luck.

The boys... by a fountain. They make a great couple, don't you think?
Miller. We had so much fun with you, showing the city, talking, laughing, getting you scarred with our driving. You are the best and we look forward to May!
And to my readers. I try and post several pics so that family can keep up to date with us. Does anyone (aka my family) read my blog. Just curious....
Family Moments,
Family Trips,
Susie's quirks
Sunday, September 2, 2007
She Laughs at Skyscrappers...
Jen and I went for a walk in Cathedral with the kids last week. She asked how I was adjusting the city and I told her that I am learning to love all the skyscrappers. She laughed and then asked... "sky-scrappers??" At that moment I felt like a country bumpkin. I know Regina is no Vancouver, but I do feel that it is larger than Kelowna... and there are definitely sky-scrappers.
Kynan lovin' on Ava.
The cutest Joe shoes. I love them. Every girl needs ruby slippers.
Discovering the city....
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