Wednesday, December 26, 2007
This Christmas I can't help, but sit back and be grateful for all we have. We are so blessed to have 2 healthy children. I remarked to Dana the other day that we have yet to endure illness with Ava (knock on wood), and Kynan seems to be handling his asthma very well with diet control and environmental control. He too has not endured any major illnesses or injuries as of yet (again knock on wood). This Christmas I thought we would be alone, :(, but my parents came out to spend the holidays with us :) It has been so nice having them here, relaxing, playing cards, playing with the kids and sharing in common Christmas traditions. Of course we miss the rest of our family, but we are grateful that they are seemingly happy and healthy and had a good Christmas. We are grateful to be in a family that enjoys giving and we were very blessed with what we recieved this year. The kids are now dressed for the year and have enough toys and blankets to last them longer. The amazement and wonder that I saw in both my babes this year was also a truly wonderful gift in itself. I have to admit that one of my favorite gifts this year was the red vines I got from Grandma Hoblak or Carleen (can't remember) and the 'Chiroman Name tag' I got from Mike (pics to come). As overwhelming and chaotic as Christmas was, it was still a very special day and we stopped to honor the true meaning of Christmas by talking to Kynan about Jesus and reminding him why we celebrate. Anyway, thank you to all of you who made our Christmas extra special by your thoughtful gifts and wonderful warm wishes. We are so grateful for you and love you emensley. Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
An update on us, Christmas time is in full swing. The tree and decorations are up (have been since the end of November), the smell of baking is in the air, the turkey is in the freezer, and excitement is starting to plague Dana and I to the point where it is harder to sleep every night. We are big kids. Kynan is learning all about Jesus at Sunday School, and the other day we drove by a Nativity scene in town and he shouted "Look, Mary, Joseph and Jesus". Does that not make you proud? Kynan is getting to be so smart. And his imagination is amazing. He plays with his cars for hours, making sound effects and talking for his 'characters'. We were driving this morning and he said he was catching cars with his big rope like Diego. So creative. Ava is a rolli poli. She is trying to crawl, so she gets up on her knees and starts rocking. When she gets sick of that she just rolls to where she wants to go. And did I mention she loves blowing raspberries? We were at a church meeting last night, and the elders were talking about financial stuff. It was getting a little 'stiff', and then all of a sudden Ava started blowing her raspberries. Everyone started laughing because it was as if she was saying 'enough of this'! Speaking of last night, it was really exciting talking about our church's growth and plans for development and actually being a part of it. They have some really exciting plans that are very innovative and unique. And even Dana got excited, which is so nice to see.
That is about all that is new with us. Kynan's buddy is here now so I have to toodle. Have a happy 18th.
That is about all that is new with us. Kynan's buddy is here now so I have to toodle. Have a happy 18th.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
A Little Bit of Bliss
I know when most mom's write about bliss it is about something their darling babies wrote about or maybe some romantic gesture their husband gave, but I want to tell you about my meeting with Pastor Rob from my church. You see ever since we moved here, I have had this feeling that God is almost ready to unveil something great. Like we are 'standing on the edge of greatness' while God prepares our hearts before we are able to leap in. I have been contemplating whether or not I should pursue a lifelong dream of mine, motivational speaking, but with kids and a husband in the mix I have always tended to put their dreams before my own. But then the other day, Dana told me why can't I do both? I thought about it, and thought, why can't I do both? So, I made a meeting with our pastor because I have been having this 'feeling' that we should meet and just talk. I was thinking of volunteering with the youth group, maybe starting a girls program through the church. While meeting with him, he said he was excited that I would be willing to do some administrative duties and/or PR stuff, he said he was excited that I was wanting to start a program for young girls, but the one that got my blood pumping is that he was excited that I was willing to do some public speaking. What? Did he just say public speaking? COuld God be answering a prayer? Or maybe even just setting me on the right path? Now I don't want to get overly excited, it could just be coiencidence, but I deffinately feel God working in our lives, especially mine and I can't help but be excited. So if you believe in the power of prayer, please pray for me and my dream. Thanks
And just to add something about the kids for good measure. While we were meeting with Rob, Kynan looked up at him and said 'I love Jesus'. It brought tears to my eyes. Then right after he said 'Jesus is my homeboy'. Can you guess where he got that one from? ***cough** Dana **
And just to add something about the kids for good measure. While we were meeting with Rob, Kynan looked up at him and said 'I love Jesus'. It brought tears to my eyes. Then right after he said 'Jesus is my homeboy'. Can you guess where he got that one from? ***cough** Dana **
Friday, December 7, 2007
Signs of Christmas
We both realised these were the first Christmas lights that Dana put up all by himself.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
The Park
I have been wanting to write about this for quite some time. When we first moved here, I sunk into a little depression. I wanted to move home, I hated being here with the kids alone, this was not my home, I resented Dana for moving us here, I felt my world crashing in on me. It didn't help that whenever I called home, 'people' would tell me that I should move back. It's nice that they miss us, but didn't help me transition into our new life. I was sinking and sinking fast when an unexpected invitation came along. Jordan's mom, Wanda, invited us to her church for a pancake breakfast and service with a their hige fall fair to follow. More so to be poliet and to get the kids out of the house, I went and that is when I fell in love. With the people. The were so nice to us, welcoming, they listened, and they loved on our kids. I wasn't sure if I belonged so a few weeks later, I took Dana back to see a service. We have never been regular church goin' folk, but he said he really liked it too. So we go back every week. Some go to church out of obligation or guilt, but in all honesty I look forward to church. And MOPS (my church moms group). We are also joining a small couples group on Sunday nights too. It was Rosewood Park and its people that stopped me from sinking and lifted me out of my ruble. It is my safe haven. The place where I know that I can be myself and still be appreciated. A place where my kids are safe to play and where Dana and I can come together and get spiritually reacquainted. I now feel drawn there. Called to serve. I am looking into volunteering with their youth ministry and possibly even joining their worship team. I love to sing and maybe will get enough courage to sing in public. I am so thankful to God for placing this in our lives. It has made Regina more like a home to me. Still I miss my hometown and my family tremendously, but 'the park' has brought new friends into our lives and has helped us move our lives here. Who knows what the future holds. Maybe Sasketchewan will be the province our kids call home, maybe our destiny is to move back to BC, whatever it is I know God will guide us and in the meantime you can find me at 'the park'.
Monday, December 3, 2007
A Day of Birth

Just wanted to commemerate my Grandma's Birthday too. December is always a month of celebration for our family. This year it is a little different celebrating it all thousands of miles away ;( But all the same, we love you Grandma and wish we could be there to celebrate another year of your beautiful presence in our lives. You are another amazing woman who I admire and respect so much. Have an incredibly special day.
Just to add on to this post, because truly it is about family, I wanted to share how I felt yesterday and a little part of today. Obviously, we weren't there yesterday to help Kaili celebrate her special day and again with Grandma. This week would have been filled with family dinners if we were back in Summerland. Especially because on Dec 5th is my sister-in-law's birthday too. I can't help but be sad. Sad that we're not there. Sad that Kynan won't be able to sing them his version of 'Happy Birthday' in person, or that Ava won't see the wonder of all the balloons.... or Baba's special glass balls. I was thinking of all this. And when changing Ava, and noticing her chubby legs, her one toothy grin, and all her cooing noises... I realise that their missing out on that too. My parents have already been out to visit, which was fabulous, and their coming again in 2 1/2 weeks for Christmas so in a way it makes up for it as they get to celebrate one of Ava's first with us..... her first Christmas. But I can't help longing for Dana's family too. I really miss them. It just made me sad yesterday and May seems to far away..... So much will have happened by then. I hope that you know how much we love and miss you all, everyday. Today would had been one of those days I would have popped over to say hello because I just wanted to see you.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Happy Birthsary!

Today is my sister-in-law's, Kaili, birthday. She is an amazing mom... one who I truly admire. a loving sister, I see it whenever the siblings are together. And just an all around pretty amazing person. Kaili... I hope you had an amazing birthday and know that we wish we could have been there with you celebrating. We love you.
Also, my parents are celebrating another wedding anniversary. Now, I forget, but I think it is over 30 years and my mom told me that last night they experienced their very first flat tire together. I thought it was pretty romantic that even after 30 years they are still celebrating firsts. My mom and dad met on a blind date and within 6 weeks were married. Isn't that awesome. I love you mom and dad. Hope you had a great day of LOVE.
Having Fun
Last night we had Tiffany, Brian, Kelle and Mike over for desserties and kareoke. We had so much fun, especially laughing at Dana sining classics like 'Girls Just Want to Have Fun' and 'Wind Beneath My Wings'. We were picking each others songs. Which brings me to my next request from my readers ... how do you post a video to your blog? I would like to share what we all experienced last night but don't know how. Help!
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