Sunday, February 22, 2009

More Questions....

Just because I like to copy good blogs.... sorry Jen. I stole your idea.

What are your middle names?

Michelle and John. Kynan shares his dad's middle name.

How long have you been together?

I would say we met in the summer of 1997, shared an immediate connection, but didn't start dating until 1999. We were married in 2003.

How long did you know each other before you got married?

As stated above, 6 years.

Who asked who out?

I asked Dana out three times before he said yes. What can I say.... I loved him from day one.

How old are each of you?

Dana turns 28 in July and I will be 26 in May.

Who's siblings do you see the most?

We probably see them all equally. Dana has two sisters and I have two brothers. He is the oldest and I am the youngest. And both our families live in Summerland. Dana probably made more of an effort to see his sisters when we lived there, but now that we live in Saskatchewan, I probably talk to my brothers way more. I guess he's not a phone person. And truth be known, one of his sister's isn't talking to us so you can imagine it's a little hard to cultivate a relationship.

Which situation has been hardest on you as a couple?

Again, I would say we have had tough times. Dana and have fought and yelled at each other even. But we usually don't go to bed mad and nothing has ever made us question our commitment to one another. Like Jen said, it's the bad times that make you cleave to one another. But I would say just before we got married and right after was a little tricky working out in-law issues. And just recently making the decision to move back to Saskatchewan, both tricky and tough times.

Did you go to the same school?

Dana home schooled his whole life. I actually met him through my girlfriends home schooling boyfriend. He took a few misc. courses in high school, but nothing major. And I went to public school. So, no, we didn't.

Are you from the same home town?

I am a born and raised Summerland gal. And Dana lived in Abbotsford until he was about 16??? And then moved to Summerland.

Who is smarter?

I would have to say that we both have our areas of strength. While I am more English and Literature minded, Dana is more Scientific and Logic minded. But I will say that Dana retains information like a computer. Mostly useless factoids about the weather or sports spastics. And he could read any manual or how-to book and then do it. He once replaced his car engine by simply going through the manual. That's something I could never do.

Who's the most sensitive?

Definitely me. Unless Dana is overtired.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?

To be honest, probably McDonalds.... I know, but sometimes that greesy crap is SO good. I would add though that Dana and I love to eat out. We love trying new restaurants. We even sometimes pretend to be food critics and give ratings.

Where is the furthest you've traveled as a couple?

Mexico, twice. It is both our dreams though to go to Scotland.

Who has the craziest exes?

No one. I only have one ex-boyfriend and a few crushes. All of which are still really decent guys who I occasionally converse with. And Dana..... well.... Dana was definitely a ladies man. He had ALOT of girlfriends... but they were all my friends or peers and very nice. No one in particular stands out. But I will add that when Dana and I were friends, he use to go to raves and give out "Better than chocolate" cards with his phone number on it. Is that not super dreamy???? LOL!

Who has the worst temper?

I would say me. I am a rhino.

Who does the cooking?

Me. But Dana makes the best butter chicken and perogies.

Who is the neat freak?

I would say it is a pendulum. I sometimes go bersurk and have a little of OCD, washing the floor 3-4 times in a day. But then when I get lazy, his radar starts going off. I guess we keep each other in check.

Who is more stubborn?

Dana is way more open minded. I didn't think I was stubborn, until Dana and I had a really long argument about it. I just did not agree with him and I refused to see his point..... LOL! :) Just kidding. But yes, still me.

Who hogs the bed?

I do, most definitely. I love my bed. I use to love being tangled up with Dana in bed, but now I am very much a "need my space" kind of sleeper.

Who wakes up the earliest?

I was glad to see Jen's answer on this and no I am not the only one. Dana is up too at 6 or 6:30am, and calls for me to wake up just before leaving. And I still just lay in bed until it is absolutely necessary for me to get up. Again, I love sleep.

Where was your first date?

The movie, Notting Hill. And if I recall correctly, his sister Shalane was there too. It was our first official date.

Who is more jealous?

Again, me. Dana is the most laid back guy. He says it's because he trusts me completely. But I will say that I think it's pretty hot when a guy defends you, stands up for you or gets jealous over you.

How long did it take to get serious?

When Dana finally said yes to me.... he said he wanted me for infinity. And there was no doubt in my mind that we were going to get married one day. So, ya. Pretty serious.

Who eats more?

I would say we eat about the same. Dana eats way more in one sitting though, and I am more of a snacker.

Who does the laundry?

Me. And I hate it. For the last week and a half I have been doing random loads by hand. Which is oddly rewarding until you realize that it takes the better part of a day for them to air dry because your apartment has such poor air circulation.

Who's better with the computer?

Definitely Dana. Hands down. Again, it's the tactile person in Dana. He loves that kinda stuff.

Who drives when you are together?

Dana usually drives when we are all together, unless he wants to look at flyers. And I drive during the day with the kids... of course.

What about you and hunk-ahunk-aburnin-love????

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Interview with Reporter Jen...

I volunteered to be apart of Jen's little game, and here are the questions.... I hope you enjoy.

1) You have so many talents, from working with teens, to public speaking, to arts and crafts, I know you enjoy photography, which is your true passion?

My one true passion remains my family, Dana and the kids. I want to strive to be the best mom and wife I can be, and to be honest, sometimes it is hard to look beyond that. But I do find I am a better mom when I take time for my other passion, like scrapbooking, photography, friends, volunteering, ect....

2) Baby #3! Whee!! Do you have any thing that you think you'd like to do different with this one? Any things that you'd definitely like to do the same? Will this be the last baby? O.k. that was clearly more than one question but all somewhat related so that's totally allowed.

There is nothing that really springs to mind when you ask what would we do differently or the same. I have always tried to be the best mom I can be and this rollarcoaster ride is a constant learning experience. We are hoping to do cloth diapers again, which we didn't do with Ava, but did do with Kynan. And make our own baby food, which I did do with the first two. After seeing Kynan's dentist bill we are definitely pro-flouride no matter what people say. As for "last baby", I know people may think I am crazy... but I don't think this will be our last baby. Dana and I have always talked about having a big family... the number 5 has been tossed around, but we have even talked about more. I guess it depends on what life throws at us. But we are super excited about this little gem and can't wait to meet him/ her. And no, we are not finding out what "it" is.

3) I know you are happy as a clam being back here in Regina. What do you think it was that made you love it here so much? Are there any parts of Summerland, aside from family, that you think you'll miss?

There is something about Regina, a feeling we get here. More settled. Maybe space we didn't think we needed? I am not really sure, but we love the city, the people, the sunsets, the open prairie, so many things.... And of course the main reason why we chose Regina as our home is because we felt God called us here and we are just trying to be obedient to what God wants in our lives. As for Summerland, besides family, I will miss the small town of it all. The festivals I have gone to since I can remember, knowing EVERYONE, and just the familiarity of it all. And Homeside Video, where you can get virtually any title, especially the classics.... oh on Long John's from the bakery... mmmmm..... And the beach.... most definitely. But just like anything, there are things I cherish in each place, it's just our time to be in Regina. Summerland will be missed, but not forgotten.

4) Do you think you'll be a stay at home mom long term? I know you found your work at SADI very satisfying. Do you ever have the itch to get back out there?

I definitely see my time as a stay at home mom lasting a long time, until our kids our somewhat grown. BUT I get the itch almost daily. I don't think I would ever want to work full time away from the home again, and I think whatever I do would have to be something I love doing. I have tossed a few entrepreneurial ideas around. I think that would be a passion, working from home doing something creative. I have thought about starting my own photography business with a friend, I love weddings so I was thinking maybe I could be professional event planner, and even interior design has entered in my mind several times. Of course, I have a lot to learn before I pursue anything professionally, but one day opportunity may knock.

5) You & Dana are such a sweet, perfectly matched couple. What do you think is the strength in your marriage? What piece of advice would you give to a couple of brand spankin' new newly weds?

The strength in our marriage would have to be hands down, our commitment to one another above ALL else and keeping God the center of it all. We have been through some pretty rough waters, and knowing that I can count on Dana to be there for me and vise versa has kept me afloat many times. And you have probably heard this one.... communication. Dana and I talk everyday, even if it is for just 5 minutes and we ALWAYS discuss any major issues before they balloon. We are quick to forgive, which isn't always easy and usually involves swallowing a big portion of pride. And finally choice.... choose every day to love each other, physically, emotionally, and spiritually even if we don't particularly "love" each other. As for my advice to other couples, I could only say a whole lot of prayer. I pray for Dana every day and witness little miracles in our marriage everyday... and even just to tell God a big thank you for creating such a wonderful man for me. Other than that.... find someone you know who has been "happily" married for 30 plus years and ask what their secrets are.... you might be surprised, but there is wisdom to be found in our mentors.

Thanks for the interview Jen. I hope you liked my answers. If not, I will forgive you ;) LOL

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Graduate and a Family Day

I could not be more proud of my husband. He has completed his GED and is officially a Graduate of Saskatchewan. Now he can move on to bigger and better things. Not only did he pass, but he got 99% on Math. He is the 2nd one to graduate in his family and he did it all on his own. Here are some pictures from his Graduation party we had on Sunday. We were going for "cheesy high school pictures". There were more people crammed into our small apartment, but by the end of the night I was pretty much done. But enjoy....

The next day was "Family Day" here in Saskatchewan, so the kids, Dana and I drove out to Moose Jaw to the Temple Gardens again. We went to Bonanza for lunch, which was disgusting in case you were wondering. And then spent three awesome hours in the pool. This kids each had their own water wings and often tried to swim away on us. It was so much fun.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Alot to Be Thankful For

There are so many things we have to be thankful for, bit how often do we slow down and praise God for the little things in our lives? I know that this last week I have been stressing about finding a new home, missing my family and finances a lot. But God is faithful and even subtly answers prayers. For example, someone in our church emailed us unexpectedly and offered to give Dana and I a date night once a month by looking after our children for FREE! In a time where Dana and I are on a VERY tight budget, this is an answer to prayer in many ways. Not only for us, but for our children as well. Then, one day last week, I was crying over our situation with our apartment. I was feeling a little like we have been taking steps backwards in that area. Going from home owners to hardly affording to rent. Then out of the blue, a good friend called me and offered some encouragement and referred me to a website for affordable housing for families. It filled me with a renewed energy and hope for the future. And not to mention some dear friends offered to take our children for a full weekend, so Dana and I can retreat (to our apartment) for the weekend. We have plans to stay up late and watch movies, sleep in, go for a walk, go to a bookstore, and this special decor store for some added dreaming. Then we are going to try a new Indian restaurant for dinner. I am so excited. Even though we aren't going anywhere, it will be so nice just to hold hands and soak up moments together uninterrupted. While being so thankful for these big blessings.... I am also reminded daily how fortunate we are to have a roof over our heads, food on the table and clothes on our back. While we have so much, there are others that have much less. Are situation will always be relevant to what is happening with us, but as a good friend reminded me today: sometimes in the midst of our "struggles" we often look outward and see someone we can help. Someone who has less. For me, I certainly would love a new house, filled with new furniture. I would love to have a large kitchen to have dinner parties in or even a nursery that I could start getting ready, but God has blessed us in so many other ways and continues to do so daily. Are those things nice? Absolutely! But everything we have belongs to Him and everything we have is to be used to glorify Him. In everything I do, I strive to give it back to him. My worries. My gratitude. My praise.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

It's All About the Bump!

Well, I thought it was about high time that I share our little bit of news with the rest of my blogger readers. For quite some time I have been feeling a little "off" or not myself. Over-emotional, super sensitive, a wee bit nauseous, and extremely tired. Last Sunday, Dana and I found out that we are expecting our 3rd baby! We are beyond thrilled and so excited that our little family is quite quickly growing into a large family. Kynan has been saying for weeks now that I have "babies in my belly". Yes, he thinks we are having twin girls! LOL! I think it is so funny what kids say. Ava shares in our joy and smiles when we talk about the new edition, but I don't think she understands yet what it means. She will though. As for me, I feel great! A little tired and grabbing naps whenever I can. I feel like my belly has popped out even this week. Pants are fitting tighter and I look forward to when I can come home and put on lounge pants. It may be in my head, but I seriously feel like I LOOK pregnant already. I already started a pregnancy journal, which I did with our first two children. I am determined that each child will not have less than the one that comes before it. Each one is a blessing and a special gift from God and I want to make an effort to ensure they feel that way. One thing I want to do this pregnancy is a weekly picture log, so stay tuned for that. Anyway, I hope you all have a fabulous weekend and relish in God's little miracles.

Friday, February 6, 2009


I am desperately missing my home. If only we could time warp back :(

A Little Emotional Today...

Today, I am feeling a little overwhelmed and depressed. We got another nasty note written to us about our laundry room usage. It seems as though we are not allowed to ALWAYS be doing laundry and we are not allowed to leave our laundry in the room. Well, we know that, but we cannot do our laundry in two hours and sometimes we can't run up to the laundry room to grab it and truthfully sometimes we forget it is even there. I am so frustrated with our living situation. This tiny cramped apartment is busting at the seems, this kids leave their stuff everywhere, the laundry, our parking, ect ect ect.... There are so many things. And now with our recent news I am left feeling anxious and very twisted. Do we try and buy something with our lot unsold (which would be cheaper than renting) OR do we pay more in a rental and just live on a very VERY tight budget. I am so confused and lost and this is not at all what I was hoping this time around. If you think of us, please pray that God will open some doors and soon. Thank you.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Fun Post....

Where is your mobile phone? no idea... truthfully.
Where is your significant other? doing the dishes ;)
Your hair colour? brown... seeking change
Your mother? under appreciated
Your father? humble
Your favourite thing? fabric, crafts, food, friends, family, sleep in days, days with Dana ALONE, too many to name!
Your dream last night? Reconciliation
Your dream goal? To do something amazing.
The room you're in? Bedroom
Your hobby? sewing, crafts, photography, design, reading....
Your fear? heights, plane crashes, drowning, children getting kidnapped.
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Happy, Healthy, Living
Where were you last night? at home
What you're not? dishwasher
One of your wish-list items? A House
Where you grew up? Small BC town "where everyone knew your name"
The last thing you did? chase a little girl around the kitchen
What are you wearing? lounge pants... comfy
Your TV? Monster Mash
Your pets? none
Your computer? old
Your mood? anxious
Missing someone? my mom
Your car? clean
Something you're not wearing? underwear.... too much????
Favourite shop? Any Quilting Store.... AND ikea
Your summer? too far away
Love someone? incredibly so
Your favourite colour? green
When is the last time you laughed? this morning
When is the last time you cried? yesterday... watching a chick flick with a bff