Saturday, July 19, 2008

"EE ew, Susie"

This week has been such a blessing, challenging, but very much a blessing. My brother's daughter came to stay with my mom and dad (and so virtually us too) for the week. I don't really get to see her very often or get to spend really quality time getting to know her, so I had a whole week planned of going to the beach and the water park, emu walks, and playdates. But then this poor little girl got sick and non of it happened. Instead we played around the house, watched Curious George (over and over), got chased by a giant catapillar (or cata pee if she was telling this story), and even baked cookies. I loved it. I am totally burnt out, and I can't imagine how my mom must be feeling, but I loved it all the same. I really love how sensitive Lorelei is. She really where's her heart on her sleeve. She gets upset when other's are upset, she cries at the slightest little thing (which can sometimes be a pain), but she really is a thoughtful little girl. She looked at a scrap on my hand, and said "Owie Auntie Susie? I kiss it better.". She picks up toys for Ava after she drops them, and she loves to clean (who is this child). She really is amazing, and melts my heart when she says "EE ew, Auntie Susie" (I love you).

Then this morning I got to play with Jaia at the beach. Again, we really don't see enough of each other and I wish we could see more. He was decked out head to toe in his beach gear (water shoes, shorts, shirt, hat, and sunglasses). He was so cute! I felt bad because Kynan was being a little social butterfly with everyone, but Jaia and all Jaia wanted was to play with Kynan. I love watching him play, but love even more watching him interact with Kaili. He is so sweet to her, and calls her all these adoring names. He has his moments (like when he is bullying Ava), but most of the time (99%) he is so sweet and gentle. He is such a sweet little man, with such a big heart, eager to please, and very loving.

We are so blessed to be back here and to be able to witness these little miracles. I know I miss Regina and everyday think about the friends we left there, but today I was really able to behold the blessing we have here in these kids, my niece and my nephew. Life does have little miracles and they happen right in front of us while they play in the sand.

Have a blessed weekend.


Sue said...

Sounds like you've been having some fun! It's good for the soul - have fun!

Kaili said...

Thanks for the kind words about my little sonny-poo. Don't know where Jaia gets the pet name calling from. No sureee!

Sorry for his bully-ish ways with Ava. Sadly it's all apart of growing up and learning what is acceptable and not. Just sucks Ava is the target.