Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Be A Better Mom

Carleen gave me two really awesome magazines lately, that I love. One is called 'Home Campanion' and it has crafts and home decor in it. Very modern, and very fun. I spent two hours last night going through it and added some links that I found in it to my blog. Even got some good ideas.

Then she gave me a Woman's Day magazine. You know the ones, usually has something yummy looking on the front and lose weight tips. I was drawn to this one article in it though. Lately, because of everything we have been going through, I have been a pretty neglectful parent. I have been sinking into my sewing room, often leaving Kynan to play independently. I make lazy meals and our basement apartment is a mess (so we spend alot of time upstairs). Plus, we have been slacking on our diet lately, reintroducing sugar... I know I know. But it's summer. Sometimes I just can't resist (I need to go into a food rehibilitation clinic). I share this because I have notice many behavior changes in Kynan. He is not awful by any means, and usually he is the sweetest boy ever. But then there are moments when he yells, cries, often when he doesn't get his way. He talks to me and my parents with such disrespect. In Jen's blog today she talked about how kids mimic us. And it dawned on me that Kynan is probably reflecting what I feel on the inside. So when I read this article, Be An Even Better Mom, it made my heart sing. Check out the article here. I love it because it is simple and practical.


Jen said...

Thanks for the link to the article Susie. A lot of great, simple, easy to incorporate ideas there.

I know there are a few things listed there that I would definitely like to work on.

Bloggy Mama said...

Sounds cool. I'll go check it out.