I just got back from Victoria, where I went for work. It was hugely successful and I am so excited to see what unfolds as this process continues. I am working by contract for Community Youth Development Coalition of BC. It is an organization that identifies, encourages and supports initiatives around the province that are committed to positive youth development. My job is personal relations, administration, and overall management. It is pretty exciting and the best part is that I can do it from home.
Ava is the cutest little girl. She says 'thank you', 'please', 'monkey' (and she makes monkey noises). She is talking alot. She follows Kynan everywhere and loves it when he plays cars with her. She is gentle and sweet when she wants to be, but is still very independent. She LOVES shoes and is always trying them on no matter how big or small. She also loves the water. So much so that she thinks she can swim on her own. We can't get her out of the bath without a fight and have to hold on tight when we go to the pool.
Kynan is doing well too. I truly believe he is ready for school. His memorization is amazing. He will hear a song once and be able to sing along the next time. Mind you, he is singing the songs that Dana and I listen to which I think is neat but also makes him sound really grown up. We recently bought him dress shoes for my brothers wedding and he calls them his magic dancing shoes and then goes wild dancing.
Dana has still not found a job in SASK but is on the hunt. We have faith that everything will work out. I am not too sure what is happening with the lot, but we have only had two calls on it. Please pray for us in selling it. The market is stale so it would take a miracle to make it happen. We pray daily.
As for me I am packing, and getting ready for the move. It seems to be coming so fast and every night until we leave we are busy. It seemed we had nothing planned until about a week ago and then all of a sudden I think people clued in that we only had one more week here. Tonight we are doing some family pictures with Rob, Kaili, Phil, Sha, Carleena and Al (Dana's fam) and the dinner, tomorrow is Greys' Anatomy at Kaili's, Dana is going for dinner with his sisters on Friday, Saturday we have a lunch date with grandparents and then dinner with friends, and Sunday is loading the truck and saying goodbyes. Monday we leave bright and early.
That's the update. If you don't hear from me you know what I will be doing. The next time I write I will be a Saskaberry!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Heading Home

In a little over a week, we are packing up our bags and boxes, loading the big ol' truck and driving half away across the country AGAIN. We have done this trip 4 times in the last year. After Oct 1st we will have moved 3 times in a little over a year. We have stretched ourselves, we have made mistakes, we have done something right, we have learned, and most importantly we have done it all in faith. Faith that God will lead us to where we are meant to be. Faith that he will provide for our needs. Faith that he will help make sense of it all to us and to those we love. And Faith that in the end, we will be closer to Him in all we do. Many people, once over the shock that we are moving again, ask me how I feel about it all. I talk about simple things that I am looking forward to. I usually don't go into alot of detail, usually because a child is escaping. It wasn't until yesterday when I was talking to my good friend, Chels, that she said I light up when I talk about Regina. As soon as she said that, I felt all giddy inside and realised exactly how excited I am. I guess I have been a little hesitant in sharing this giddiness because I know this move is pretty tough on our families and our friends in BC. I don't want to run salt in their wonds. But, having said that, I also want them and everyone else to know that I am super stoked. I am excited to see all my friends in Regina, to walk back into our church and sing off key, to feel the wind in my hair and sun on my face. But I am also excited to place my life and my heart in the hands of the Lord and say, "Ok, I trust you and am following your will." It is a little scary, after all Dana doesn't have a job, we haven't sold our lot in Summerland, and we are not even sure if we will be able to afford to buy a house. But we have faith that it will all turn out magnificently, and if anything, we will have grown as people.
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." -Joshua 1:9
"The one who is in you is greater than the one in this world." -1 John 4:4
"Courage is not the absense of fear, but rather moving forward inspite of it"
"Worry does not empty tomorrow of sorrows, it empties today of strength." -Corrie ten Boom
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
My Little Brother is Married!
Just a few random wedding pictures. I was too busy during the ceremony chasing after the wee ones to get any pictures so you will have to settle for the before and afters. Starting from the evening and working into early day. Above is my dad and my cousin Amanda joking around. It was so nice having my cousins here. And I think my dad is actually smiling in this picture (which is rare to catch on film).
Contemplating the path she is about to walk. Trish kept saying the day was going too fast so we tried to slow it down and have some "alone moments".
Trisha's mom putting on her necklace. Special moment. Trisha also wore a bracelet from her passed Granny. It was really sweet.
It was a crazy weekend, but oh so beautiful. It was gorgeous weather and everything went perfectly. You couldn't have asked for a better day. It all hit me that Greg was married when I came up to him to say goodbye and saw his wedding band on his finger. I got all emotional thinking that he is a married man and soon will be having babies of his own. I am so happy for them and hope they have a magical honeymoon.
A side note: Dana and I move in exactly 2 weeks. So we have alot of stuff to do between now and then. Packing, making appointments. Truth be known, I am so excited. I am missing Regina so much and all my friends there too. Now that the wedding is done, I am ready to focus on us.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
On My Mind...
So many things on my mind lately, but this is sticking out tonight. Why blog???? I get caught up in the stress of it all. I haven't posted any real photo's in a long time, I really should do that. What did that person mean by that comment or post? And the list of all the other insecurities I have in the blogger realm. I have even thought about following suit with Kaili's latest news and stop blogging or invite only certain readers, but then I think about what my blog does for me. Truth be known, I sometimes don't even think about who is reading this thing, or of anybody does. I sometimes log in and just write. I love to journal and this is a way for me to "let it all out". I have been stung for my honesty and had some stuff that I have said on this blog come back to bite me in the tush. But I have also had this amazing emails and comments from people I don't even know in the real world saying that they love my honesty and can relate alot to what I have to say. That blows my mind, that a) someone actually reads my blog and b) they appreciate what I have to say. I feel like God create's purpose in everything and what if my purpose was tied up in this blog. What if I was to say something on it that would change, help, encourage, inspire, or whatever.... someone else. Isn't then it all worth it???? That is a question that has been going through my mind as of late.
The other thing plagueing my mind is how to respond to people saying "WHAT?!?!? You're moving???". Usually said in an obnoxious tone of voice as if accusing us for being irresponsible. Alot of these people we don't even talk to on a regular basis. And I get that it is shocking to many. After all, we just moved back. I usually say something untrue like, "What can I say we're crazy. Slow. Can't make up our mind." and then awkwardly laugh. But what I really want to say is that we are finally following our hearts rather than a buck, an opinion, or whatever else prompts us to make life decisions. I feel so good about this move and I am so excited to be returning to a place that has come to feel like home to me. We finally feel like we are on God's path and it feel fabulous. Again, I get that it appears that Dana and I are flaky or wish-washy. I get that some people would say that we haven't given it enough time. And I get that there are hurt feelings, but what I don't get is that when someone says to you that they are just following their hearts, doing what they feel is right for them. They can't explain it, but it just feels right. How can they argue with that???? Wouldn't you want to respond with love and compassion? Encouragement and support???? Don't they get that it is hard on us too, after all we are the ones living it????? Arggggg...... Sorry for the vent, but that is what I have been feeling lately. Raw and out there for the world to see.
I am excited about this decision and I feel like Dana and I walking towards something great. I feel like we are fulfilling a destiny. I don't know why I feel this way and way I didn't feel that way about Summerland. But all I can say is that it is what lies in my heart. We are certain. We are at peace and ever so faithful that God will lead us to where we are suppose to be.
The other thing plagueing my mind is how to respond to people saying "WHAT?!?!? You're moving???". Usually said in an obnoxious tone of voice as if accusing us for being irresponsible. Alot of these people we don't even talk to on a regular basis. And I get that it is shocking to many. After all, we just moved back. I usually say something untrue like, "What can I say we're crazy. Slow. Can't make up our mind." and then awkwardly laugh. But what I really want to say is that we are finally following our hearts rather than a buck, an opinion, or whatever else prompts us to make life decisions. I feel so good about this move and I am so excited to be returning to a place that has come to feel like home to me. We finally feel like we are on God's path and it feel fabulous. Again, I get that it appears that Dana and I are flaky or wish-washy. I get that some people would say that we haven't given it enough time. And I get that there are hurt feelings, but what I don't get is that when someone says to you that they are just following their hearts, doing what they feel is right for them. They can't explain it, but it just feels right. How can they argue with that???? Wouldn't you want to respond with love and compassion? Encouragement and support???? Don't they get that it is hard on us too, after all we are the ones living it????? Arggggg...... Sorry for the vent, but that is what I have been feeling lately. Raw and out there for the world to see.
I am excited about this decision and I feel like Dana and I walking towards something great. I feel like we are fulfilling a destiny. I don't know why I feel this way and way I didn't feel that way about Summerland. But all I can say is that it is what lies in my heart. We are certain. We are at peace and ever so faithful that God will lead us to where we are suppose to be.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The McCallum Bulletien
I only have a few pictures of Kynan as it seem like lately he doesn't like getting his picture taken. He is way too busy playing! Here he is waiting blow some bubbles.
The leading story for this bulletien is that we found an apartment! So our official move date is Sept 29th. We have poccession of our new little (and I mean little) abode as of Oct 1st, but we were thinking of detouring to Drumeller on the way there for Mr. K! Last time we stopped at the Calgary Zoo and he LOVED it. We are hoping to rent for a bit while we house hunt.
I am stressed, slightly- LOL, so I have been breaking out like crazy lately. And I mean zit factory over here. I am so frustrated because my brother's wedding is in a week and a half and I don't want to introduce myself as "Hi, am Pizzaface, Greg's sister". I also got a bad cold am in bed right now feeling achey and snotty. Is this painting a wonderful visual for you??? I'm sorry, I'll stop.
We just got back from the coast and had a wonderful visit with Mike, Suzanne and Jared. We also got to have dinner and a swim at Aunty Dorthea's place. And squeezed in a quick, but pleasant visit with Aunty Dot and John. It was really nice to escape for the weekend. Played some wii with Jared. I kicked his butt at bowling, but then he punched me out at boxing. I say we were even. Had super yummy angel food cake for his birthday and the kids got to go to Castle Fun Park for a bunch of games. We had a wonderful visit with great talks and loads of laughs.
That's it really in the news department. As the next two weeks unravel with all the wedding stuff, I am sure I will be pretty busy.
Oh, yeah! On the 28th, we all said so long to a long time blogger buddy, Kaili. She will be missed and her words will echo in our hearts forever. I'll still see her and talk to her often, but I loved reading her blog and she was the reason I started blogging so there you go.
I am stressed, slightly- LOL, so I have been breaking out like crazy lately. And I mean zit factory over here. I am so frustrated because my brother's wedding is in a week and a half and I don't want to introduce myself as "Hi, am Pizzaface, Greg's sister". I also got a bad cold am in bed right now feeling achey and snotty. Is this painting a wonderful visual for you??? I'm sorry, I'll stop.
We just got back from the coast and had a wonderful visit with Mike, Suzanne and Jared. We also got to have dinner and a swim at Aunty Dorthea's place. And squeezed in a quick, but pleasant visit with Aunty Dot and John. It was really nice to escape for the weekend. Played some wii with Jared. I kicked his butt at bowling, but then he punched me out at boxing. I say we were even. Had super yummy angel food cake for his birthday and the kids got to go to Castle Fun Park for a bunch of games. We had a wonderful visit with great talks and loads of laughs.
That's it really in the news department. As the next two weeks unravel with all the wedding stuff, I am sure I will be pretty busy.
Oh, yeah! On the 28th, we all said so long to a long time blogger buddy, Kaili. She will be missed and her words will echo in our hearts forever. I'll still see her and talk to her often, but I loved reading her blog and she was the reason I started blogging so there you go.
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