Yesterday, we had our first beach encounter of the year and the kids LOVED it. Especially Ava. I thought she would think it would be too cold, but instead she sat on the shore line while the waves lapped over her legs and she giggled and dug in the sand. Kynan, of course, enjoyed himself too. He ran along the shore, chasing perspective boats, dug in the sand with sticks and played with Ava. Here are some pictures to capture the evening.
Hopefully there will be many more days of "going to the beach" this summer. Now if only the weather would co-operate!
Kids are cute as a button as usual!
This is the part of Summerland I miss the most, next to the people of course!
Drove past your old house today. It looks terrible! :( The grass is practically knee high and I think all your hard work has been redone!
Looks like fun, sorry we missed ya tonight. Jaia was looking forward to it, so we'll have to catch up again soon.
Good you had a nice family picnic though!
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