Monday, May 19, 2008

A Flower was Born

It seems appropriate that I am writing this post at 12:15am. The same time last year, I was sitting on my bedroom deck praying and talking to my future baby girl. I was scheduled to be induced the next day and I desperately wanted our baby to come its own. So I prayed for safety and I talked to our baby saying how exited we were to meet them, and that we have created a safe, loving, and welcoming home for them. All under the warmth of the stars. I went to sleep only to be woken up a few hours later by our little baby saying, 'I'm ready to come!'. We were thrilled and with every passing contraction, I remember feeling so excited because my body was doing what it was suppose to, and in a few short hours we would be a family of 4. It's amazing to think back on that night and morning when our flower was born, Ava Lily. So much has happened in this short year. Ava is such a gift and I can already see her little personality forming. She adores people and hardly makes strange. She loves to smile, and laugh. She usually curls her nose when she does either of these. She is loud. Like her brother. She LOVES Kynan and literally follows him everywhere. She is independent, usually wanting to do something herself. But also very sweet, giving lots of hugs and kisses. Her smiles light up my life and I am so in love with my baby girl. She is such a miracle of life and we are so thankful that God chose us for her and her for us. We are blessed. Have a Happy 1st Birthday, baby girl. Know you are loved.


Bloggy Mama said...

Happy Birthday little one.

Kaili said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Ava! We love you! And had fun at your party!

Sue said...

Happy 1st Birthday Ava!

We love you oodles and look forward to seeing you in just a few short days - get ready for snuggles!

Love YaYa, G-Man, Jar Jar

kelle said...

happy 1st birthday ava!!

Trisha said...

Happy Birthday Ava (a little late on the blog, but did say it in person on the day)!!

The birthday turned out beautifully. I loved all the details you took care of Susan to make it a special day. I loved all the butterflies and pink paper lanterns... so girly and cute :)

Sarah said...

That year went so quickly...I too was waiting on my baby, and I remember reading about her birth and celebrating on another miracle. Babies are so precious.
Happy Birthday!

Amanda Brown said...

Happy Birthday, Ava! I'd love to see her, and you too, you know! I am leaving for Calgary tomorrow but once I get back next week I'll be around for the rest of the summer: barefoot and pregnant. :) We should go to the beach and have ice cream cones with the kids.

Kathy said...

Happy birthday Ava! Sweet baby girl. I miss you