Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Well, a few days ago we toddled over to the local school (which happens to be right behind where we live) to see if they offered a preschool program. We have been trying to find a spot for Kynan somewhere in the city, but would you believe that we have had zero luck. So, someone told me that sometimes elementary schools over such programs. So we walked (Kynan rode his bike) over to the school. As soon as we entered, a flood of memories came roaring back. The smells, the pictures on the wall, the sounds of children laughing and announcements over the PA. This was, of course, not my childhood school, but all these sensations were the same. And then it hit me. That Kynan, my baby, was registering for Pre-Kindergarten.

We met with the teacher, who was about the same age as me and expecting a baby in Oct too. So she explained that someone would be taking her place, but the curriculum would stay the same. She said they would be reinforcing colours and the alphabet, and working on letter recognition, numbers, seasons, and calendars. All the things they cover in Kindergarten, and of course lots of fine motor skills. This is exactly what I wanted to hear. Kynan loves his current pre-school, but just isn't being challenged enough (Kynan would also agree with that statement as he is the one coming home asking me to help him with his letters and demanding that we get him a clock for his room).

So come fall, my baby, my first born, my little man. Will be a Pre-K Kid. Three days a week for 4 hours a day. Strangly, I am not sad, but excited for him and all the wonder that awaits him, adventures to be had, skills to be learned, and friends to be made. I know he is going to do great at his new school and I am excited (and a little nervous) for this new chapter in our lives.


Jen said...

Exciting times for Kynan!

I'm excited for Abby to start K this fall but I have to admit- I'm pretty sad. :9

Hope he enjoys it!

Bloggy Mama said...

Totally exciting. I'm glad you found somewhere that you will see him growing.

wandi said...

How exciting! Kynan will do great! What a blessing that the school is so close to home!

Sue said...

How exciting! It's amazing the what emotions come up when moving forward to new experiences. He sounds ready!