Today we celebrate the birth of my Lily Flower. She came into this world at 9:00 two years ago today. She was a much anticipated arrival. After being nearly three weeks past original due date, I was more than ready to meet her, and a little nervous of the pending induction. But, in true Ava fashion, she came in her own time. I remember the night before giving birth, I sat under the stars praying to God and talking to the sweet baby in my belly. I asked God for strength to handle whatever was to come, and I told the baby of all the people who loved her and wanted to meet him/her. I finally fell asleep at peace with whatever was to come around 1am. I woke around 5am with some cramping, thinking I was in false labour again. I had a bath, read a book, took a nap. Finally around 7am, the contraction were starting to be regular and about 4 minutes apart, I decided to treck to the hospital. Carleen came to watch Kynan. I didn't want to bother everyone, thinking I would be returning soon enough. Carleen took one look at me and said, "You are having this baby!" I assured I would be back within the hour. I was denial all the way to the hospital, checking in, getting evaluated, until finally my doctor told me I would be having the baby within the next hour. It was about 8am at that time and I didn't believe her. I mean, I was uncomfortable, but nothing in comparison to what I felt with Kynan's labour. Well, sure enough, the doctor was right and Ava came a short hour later. I loved her birth. I felt incredible during it and I still marvel at the fact that my body actually did what it was suppose to. And now, two years later, she is a vivacious and active little toddler... not even a baby.
Ava's first two years of life has been rather crazy with all the major moves and changes we have had. When she was first born, she was this incredibly docile little infant that slept through the night, nursed incredibly well, and was extremely laid back. Probably about 4 months later, things changed and this little fire cracker of a flower immersed. She started refusing to nurse, even insisting on holding her own bottle (yes, even at 4 months), she didn't like to be held for too long, she needed space and wouldn't sleep if there was ANY light or breathing body near her. She would scream at the dinner table until we finally gave up and let her try solids. She wanted to do EVERYTHING in her own time. And that really is how Ava is. She is incredibly sweet, funny, spunky, tender when she wants to be, a brute when she feels like, beautiful and incredibly unique little girl. She keeps me on my toes, and constantly makes me full belly laugh. She makes me want to pull my hair out, and then hug and kiss her all in the same moment. She is in an incredible blessing to our family and life would not be as rich without her. She is my joy, my Lily flower, my baby girl. Happy Birthday Baby!