There have been so many sweet moments over the last three weeks, but I wanted to share just a few with you as it is 1:30am and my monkey man is finally sleeping.
1. Last night Kynan was not wanting to go to bed when he was told, so he was sitting up with us. He asked to hold Elijah. Dana and I were looking at with such adoration, as he tenderly rocked his baby brother. Dana caressed Kynan's head and said, "One day you are going to make a great dad." Kynan replied with, "I know. Just like you, dad." No joke! Dana and I instantly teared up and started to spout full on waterworks. Dana looked at me and said, "He can stay up as late as he wants."
2. Ava, my darling princess, was needing some mommy time at 2am one morning this week. So I, exhausted, fell into her bed and almost cried, "Pleeeeease go to sleep, baby girl." To which she replied as she cupped my cheek, "Ok mommy. I just wanted to say I love you."
3. Elijah has been a little cranky this week with a runny nose. We were up for one of his feedings and he decided it was day time and it was time to talk. His wide eyes would not fade, until I started humming and then gently singing to him. He slowly was lulled to sleep by the sound of my voice. None of my other kids enjoyed being sung too, but Elijah LOVES it. And I adore that he does.
4. Tonight, I had alot of computer work to do. So I nursed Elijah and handed him to his capable father. Immediately Elijah starts to cry. Dana hands him back and I nurse again. Dana takes him. Elijah cries. I take him and rock him. He falls asleep. I know Dana is hurt at this point, asking me what he is doing wrong, but I secretly love that Elijah snuggles me. LOVE IT!
5. This is not really a 'moment' more than an epiphany really. Having three lovely children for three blissful (and sleepless) weeks has taught me a few things:
-there will always be laundry so don't sweat if your not 'caught up'. That term does not exist anymore.
-you can operate on 2 hours sleep, but your child may go out without matching socks or shoes for that matter.
-you may show up at church with your shirt inside out and most definitely your hair will not be washed for at least 3 days.
-tv is your friend (no matter how much you try not to use it)
-sleep when the baby sleeps is a fantasy
-you have no brain after kids. Seriously.
-you may find yourself calling your mom umpteen billion times in the course of an hour asking how to do simple mundane tasks because you simply cannot remember... again note the no brain comment.
-you are extremely talented and gifted if you can get dressed before 10am
-the love you have for your husband has never grown so fast and furiously over three weeks. I seriously look at this man, and think to myself, how did I ever get so lucky.
-That being said, there will be moments that you think to yourself, 'Do I have three children, or 4?' Especially when you find a pile of dirty diapers on the dresser, an empty toilet paper roll, him using liquid soap in the dishwasher and wondering why it's not working, ect....
-And then finally, you learn to laugh and relax because there really is nothing more you can do. Chores will be left undone, the laundry will always be a load (or two or three) behind, and the baby (or other children) will have to cry at some point. And that's okay. You can handle it because you are a mom.
It's moments like these that make me thankful to be a mom. Thankful to be a wife. Thankful to have a mom. Thankful to be a daughter.