Tuesday, May 25, 2010
It's My Party
On Saturday, we celebrated Ava's Birthday with a Cupcake Party. Girls came over decorated cupcakes, ate icing, wore adorable aprons, and sang songs. Ava was in her glory shoveling as much icing and candies into her mouth before anyone realized that her cupcakes were undecorated. She had a blast and it's hard to believe now that my little girl is 3! She even seems bigger in these last few days. And, yes, I shed a little tear when she mounted her "Big Girl Bike". Happy Birthday Cupcake!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
As Sweet As Can Be...
Ava Lily is three!
I can't believe three years ago, we welcomed your little soul into the world, into our family and into our hearts. You have blessed us beyond measure in your short little life. You make us giggle, you challenge us, you warm our hearts, you make us better parents, you bring joy to our family.
There is so much to say, but no words to say it. I could talk endlessly about how you have changed our lives and what an amazing little girl you are. Instead, may I wish you a sweet and wonderful third Birthday. Know that you are loved (now I am going to run back up stairs for the 5th time tonight and "try" to get you to go to bed. Lord help me!)

I can't believe three years ago, we welcomed your little soul into the world, into our family and into our hearts. You have blessed us beyond measure in your short little life. You make us giggle, you challenge us, you warm our hearts, you make us better parents, you bring joy to our family.
There is so much to say, but no words to say it. I could talk endlessly about how you have changed our lives and what an amazing little girl you are. Instead, may I wish you a sweet and wonderful third Birthday. Know that you are loved (now I am going to run back up stairs for the 5th time tonight and "try" to get you to go to bed. Lord help me!)
Monday, May 17, 2010
Praying for Timing
It was two years ago that we bought this beautiful lot in Summerland BC with big plans to build and start a life where I grew up. Plans quickly changed when our hearts changed and we felt called back to Regina. Called and now waiting. Waiting for several things. Waiting for Dana to complete school. Waiting for our lot to sell in Summerland. Waiting for God to reveal his plans for us here. Waiting.
I do feel like we were led back here for a reason and we have been so blessed since following that call. All of our prayers have been validated through relationships, scripture and prayers. We have confidence in the Lord that we are where He wants us to be. But know let's jump back to this lot....
Why hasn't the lot sold. Some have told us it is because that God will sell when it is in His timing and it will be for some grand reason. Others have blamed the market. Either way, I wish I could say I am a patient woman, but I need to exhaust all possibilities in order to rest. So if you know of anyone who is interested in building, relocating, or even in a project.... please leave your email in my comment box and I will send you all the particulars. Or check out this link, and read it for yourself. Paradise is only a click away.... LOL.
I will get off my sales pitch now... thanks for humoring me.
Friday, May 14, 2010
So I never realized how much work is involved with being a single mama. Since Dana has left for school, I have gotten just a taste of single-hood and it tastes bitter. I had these grandeur plans of sewing and scrapbooking in the evening and playing with the kids during the day. Keeping up on my chores and maintaining an orderly home. And capturing memories watching my children joyfully play soccer in the evening. Of course, this is not the case. I have done NO sewing or scrapbooking in the evening. Instead I frantically try and run around and clean up from the day. Dishes, check. Counters, check. Floors, check. Toys, check. Laundry..... do later. The orderly home only happens because I do it when the kids are asleep. Then when 9:30-10pm hits, it's off to bed as morning comes early in our home. And joyfully watching the kids play soccer??? HA! Ava goes limp whenever she crosses the white line on the field. She is far too interested in the lady bugs and what Kynan is doing to chase after some dumb ball. She was even right in front of the net, wide open and a teammate passed to her. She didn't even look up. The ball, and the entire team, passed her by and she was still looking at the ground (probably for ladybugs). This would all be fine, cute and a wonderful part of growing up, IF I didn't have Eli crying in the backpack because he is just so tired OR Kynan running off with who knows who going who knows where. An hour soccer commitment quickly turns into an eternity of H-E- 'double hockey sticks'. But there are things I have enjoyed: a bed to myself (Well not entirely, Kynan sneaks in with me but at least he doesn't snore), being able to watch movies and shows that only I really like, cooking what I want, and not really worrying about what I look like (I like to dress up for my man... when I can). And I have enjoyed having the kids all to myself. They really have taken the adjustment rather well and I am so proud of their 'helping out' attitude. {It's all a facade. I HATE it and I desperately want my husband home} So all in all.... only 6 more weeks and 2 and a half more hours to go. Does anyone have a time portal?
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