I posted a while back about the power of prayer, and last night we got some amazing news about my brother, his wife, and their coming babies. We were told that one of the babies had two heart defects, a hole in the heart and a missing artery. The hole in the heart is fairly common, and has a much larger survival rate. The missing artery was the real scary one, that would have required immediate surgery with a good survival rate, just not as good.
My brother and his wife are down on the coast now, until the babies are born. This week they have tons of appointments. Yesterday, they had another ultrasound to check up on the little ones. And they discovered the missing artery!!!! I know that may sound weird, but I guess the last ultrasound, they couldn't see it. But it's there, clear as day now.
So what this means is that the baby boy (one with the defect) can come home with his baby sister! The hole is still there, but won't need surgery until later. This chopped my brother's stay in Vancouver from six months or more to only three! We are so happy. And thrilled that both babies and mom should be fine.
I guess the power of prayer really works!! Side Note: This is a picture from their 3D ultrasound. Pretty incredible hey?