We're here! We made it! Thanks to many strong hands we were able to get most of our things packed up on Friday night. It's amazing how many people showed up and we were so grateful! On Saturday, our faithful friend came out and helped us move the rest of the stuff and even came to Caronport to unload. It took the two of them about 4 hours just to unload the truck. A friend from MOPS surprised me and helped me clean up the Regina house and get it ready for our inspection. And even a friend from Saskatoon came and lended a hand cleaning, and even watching the kids that afternoon. Again, we are truly grateful.
So we are here and seem to be settling into small town life. The kids have been riding their bikes everywhere and even Elijah pounds on the door as if to say, "Walk?" As for myself, I believe I am all walked out. Dana has started school in Moose Jaw on Monday, so he takes the van in the morning. Kynan's a morning class so we have to be at the school by 8:45am. It's only like a 8 minute walk, but when you are traveling with three kids it ends up being more like 25 minutes. Then we have to walk home. Then at 11:30am we are off to pick him up. Yesterday and tomorrow, Ava has preschool too, which means an extra trip to the school for 1:15 and again at 3pm. Needless to say, there better be some pounds shed or I will be an unhappy camper. My body ached last night, and I could not unpack another box. With all my ranting about walking, how out of shape I am, and how I wish I could just send Kynan by himself, I do love it here. It's so quiet and peaceful, you can see the stars at night, the dirt roads, the smiles and waves, the friendly housing staff (who have already rescued me from being locked out of my house twice already- key hidden, check). It feels like we are at summer camp and our houses are our family cabins and school is the daycamp our kids go to. With the exception that I am a bit of loner right now. Everybody walks or rides their bikes everywhere! There are paths that lead to every part of Caronport and everyone seems all so laid back. The kids love it. Dana is in his element. And I..... am going through social withdrawls, but know that even that will dissipate with time.
Here comes the next adventure.... bring it on!